L4D2 icons


Hello everyone!

For some reason i wanted to get a better looking desktop and i had the idea of making my own customized icons for desktop shortcuts concerning L4D2 or even folders were i keep stuffs from the game (videos, screenshots etc...) made from images i found, and then i decided to make some others and share it with you guys.
So in attachment file you will find a icons.rar were i put some 31 different icons you may like, with characters, zombies, some weapons, some objects and even the gnome & moustachio! All of them have translucid background.

Here is the preview of all models (the 2 with inscriptions are not by me):

This is what it can look like on desktop:
desktop icons.png

... and in folders:
in folder icons.png

Now, if anyone don't know how to change it, it is very simple:

- click right on any folder or desktop
- hit "properties"
- then go to "customize" tab
- then "change icon", and you can put any file in .ico you like

I hope you'll like some of them :)

P.S: i don't know if i've put this topic in the right section, please change the section if i was wrong)
P.S2: as i don't speak russian, if a good heart would like to translate it i would be happy to put it in this message with the edit function!


  • icons.rar
    1,6 МБ · Просмотров: 358