Hello and sorry for english...I have a 8 slots coop server and i like the server logo in upper right corner of screen and i need help please to use it in my server (zo-zo.og logo on screen)...i made a plugin to execute a vscript file on map start and this .nut file i use this script :
function CreateTickerOnlyHUD( startStr = "" )
TickerHUD <- {}
Ticker_AddToHud( TickerHUD, startStr )
HUDSetLayout( TickerHUD )
HUDPlace( HUD_TICKER, 0.25, 0.04, 0.5, 0.08 )
but its not working...i hope you can help me and nice work...thank you very much in advance.
function CreateTickerOnlyHUD( startStr = "" )
TickerHUD <- {}
Ticker_AddToHud( TickerHUD, startStr )
HUDSetLayout( TickerHUD )
HUDPlace( HUD_TICKER, 0.25, 0.04, 0.5, 0.08 )
but its not working...i hope you can help me and nice work...thank you very much in advance.