Жалобы на игроков

Приветствую! Компания "Жертва"- карта "Финал". Всеми известная "карусель", когда крайних выживших максимально оттаскивают назад к стартовой убеге и разводят по углам карты с целью как можно дольше оттянуть время запуска генератора.

Что имеем ? Игроки игравшие за зараженных, неоднократно высказывались в текстовый чат и в войс чат о не допустимости убивания оставшихся позади 2-х игроков в состоянии "инкап", т.к. игроки игравшие за выживших, бросив крайних 2-х игроков своей команды стояли у генератора и ждали когда их убьют.

Что с того ? Игрок с ником @VraDo был поставлен мною на голосование, т.к. не хотел считаться с доводами своей команды по оставленным позади 2-ум игрокам противоположной команды. По итогу голосования игроков команды был отправлен на 10-ти минутный отдых.

P.S. Не имею ничего личного к игроку @VraDo, данный пост не оправдание, а лишь пояснение произошедшего.
P.S.S. Осознавая, что несу персональную ответственность за наделённые права как игрок Топ-40, хотелось бы донести до всех - "Кикают" игрока - "Команда". Игрок из состава Топ-40 лишь имеет право запуска процедуры голосования.
P.S.S.S. @VraDo искать меня не нужно, есть вопрос на форуме, я отвечу.
P.S.S.S.S. Решение на усмотрение администрации.

хотелось бы донести до всех - "Кикают" игрока - "Команда". Игрок из состава Топ-40 лишь имеет право запуска процедуры голосования.
Администрация: Напоминаем, ответственность за кик всегда была, есть и будет на Инициаторе кика, вне зависимости от принятого Командой решения. Не рекомендуется неверно толковать и реинтерпретировать существующие правила.


Вечер добрый, прошу принять меры, по поводу какого-то залетного игрока на наш проект Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:918971774 7eveNUP
При его постоянном нахождении на сервере, можно услышать слова "сын", "дуры" и прочие не хорошие слова относящиеся матерей, просил его 2 раза за месяц не оскорблять матерей и т.д, это "говно" простите ничего не понимает, я считаю, такие залетные игроки не нужны на этом сервере, которые только несут с собой токсичный геймплей, прошу принять меры, дабы не портил постоянным игрокам настроение, когда они просто хотят почилить вечерком после работы с нормальными игроками. (можно ознакомиться с его историей чата https://stats.zozo.gg/hlstats.php?mode=chathistory&player=3489444&filter=) Так же прошу уделить внимание временным меткам, при каждом его заходе можно увидеть "Сын мочи", "сын дуры" и т.д и т.п



Администрация: Рассмотрено.
Good evening, I come with the administrators to file a complaint against the player Nazza and the player Rimuru who accused me of using a hack and also insulted me and my friend who was not playing. The player Rimuru began to threaten me that he was going to tell the admin Cristian to ban me. I sincerely hope they do something with these 2 players because every server I enter and find them they insult me and focus me and this is very annoying. And to make matters worse, they continue to use my friend's personal name with obscene messages and using it as a type of insult. (✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒): el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza: ese es mas malo q el cancer

Администрация: Рассмотрено.


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Good evening, I come with the administrators to file a complaint against the player Nazza and the player Rimuru who accused me of using a hack and also insulted me and my friend who was not playing. The player Rimuru began to threaten me that he was going to tell the admin Cristian to ban me. I sincerely hope they do something with these 2 players because every server I enter and find them they insult me and focus me and this is very annoying. And to make matters worse, they continue to use my friend's personal name with obscene messages and using it as a type of insult. (✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒): el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza: ese es mas malo q el cancer

Hello everyone and the administration.

player Habibi


I've been seeing suspicious activity for a while now, which is why I'm exhausted. This drives me crazy and one thing leads to another

1 In yesterday's demo, I request that you send evidence since I see suspicious shots

2 You've gone up too fast in the statistics, unless you're a lifeless person or have too much precision, it's suspicious

3 Don't include Nazza in our fight, and even less the other guy, who's already a closed case. If you're his friend, good for you, but I simply don't like you and the other guy doesn't either

4 If I request a demo, I follow the rules where any player can request evidence when they suspect another, it's not the first time I've seen suspicious shots

5 I don't discriminate as such, but many players from Peru use cheats and if you don't believe me, just read the forum or go to the ban list

6 if I have been rude I apologize to you since this week has been hard I have been sick with the flu abdominal pain taking medicines, therefore I am quite sensitive in all aspects

7 if you use something strange stop using it sooner or later it will be discovered

8 I reiterate the topic with the other subject is closed what I want least is for the virtual gang to get involved which has a deep "love" for me so I ask the administration in chaos that only those who come to comment on things outside of this complaint be sent to fludika, note if Cristian reads this he knows about the bad behavior of some Peruvians I do not get along with everyone anymore only with those who fill my patience are rude abuse votekick, use cheats etc.

9 there are more ways to pass evidence like discord if you want forum chat will have.

10 I reiterate my apologies if you do not believe evidence of the medicines I take since above all there must be evidence.
being nothing more that is all.

demos in mega for their respective analysis

Good evening, I come with the administrators to file a complaint against the player Nazza and the player Rimuru who accused me of using a hack and also insulted me and my friend who was not playing. The player Rimuru began to threaten me that he was going to tell the admin Cristian to ban me. I sincerely hope they do something with these 2 players because every server I enter and find them they insult me and focus me and this is very annoying. And to make matters worse, they continue to use my friend's personal name with obscene messages and using it as a type of insult. (✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒): el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza: ese es mas malo q el cancer
Hahahaha and then Mr. Rimuru says "they insult me, I do nothing, they start insulting me"
I think the server was made to play with friends and not to harass because the other player beats you.. I think old reports to Mr. Kurimuri didn't make him reflect on how to behave on the server.
Buenas noches, vengo con los administradores a poner una denuncia contra el jugador Nazza y el jugador Rimuru que me acusaron de usar un hack y además me insultaron a mí y a mi amigo que no estaba jugando. El jugador Rimuru me empezó a amenazar con que le iba a decir al administrador Cristian que me baneara. Sinceramente espero que hagan algo con estos 2 jugadores porque cada servidor que entro y los encuentro me insultan y me centran y esto es muy molesto. Y para colmo siguen usando el nombre personal de mi amigo con mensajes obscenos y usándolo como un tipo de insulto. ( ✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒) : el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza : ese es mas malo q el cancer

Es legal comprar cuentas ???

Well, I know of Facebook groups where they make these exchanges so that there are no scams and it is easy to change the email, the thing is that it would be illegal for Steam as long as one of the parties indicates that the account was hacked, I imagine those groups are to avoid those false reports, there is no shortage of those who want to be clever.
Hello everyone and the administration.

player Habibi


I've been seeing suspicious activity for a while now, which is why I'm exhausted. This drives me crazy and one thing leads to another

1 In yesterday's demo, I request that you send evidence since I see suspicious shots

2 You've gone up too fast in the statistics, unless you're a lifeless person or have too much precision, it's suspicious

3 Don't include Nazza in our fight, and even less the other guy, who's already a closed case. If you're his friend, good for you, but I simply don't like you and the other guy doesn't either

4 If I request a demo, I follow the rules where any player can request evidence when they suspect another, it's not the first time I've seen suspicious shots

5 I don't discriminate as such, but many players from Peru use cheats and if you don't believe me, just read the forum or go to the ban list

6 if I have been rude I apologize to you since this week has been hard I have been sick with the flu abdominal pain taking medicines, therefore I am quite sensitive in all aspects

7 if you use something strange stop using it sooner or later it will be discovered

8 I reiterate the topic with the other subject is closed what I want least is for the virtual gang to get involved which has a deep "love" for me so I ask the administration in chaos that only those who come to comment on things outside of this complaint be sent to fludika, note if Cristian reads this he knows about the bad behavior of some Peruvians I do not get along with everyone anymore only with those who fill my patience are rude abuse votekick, use cheats etc.

9 there are more ways to pass evidence like discord if you want forum chat will have.

10 I reiterate my apologies if you do not believe evidence of the medicines I take since above all there must be evidence.
being nothing more that is all.

demos in mega for their respective analysis

  1. First of all, you started with the insults and accusing me of using cheats, which is a crime in the forum rules, and you started insulting a friend who wasn't even in the game.
    Honestly, I didn't know that because you were sick you could insult whoever you wanted, and it's not the first time you've insulted me by accusing me of using cheats. I honestly don't know what you have with Peruvians, since every server I found you were putting names like Brachetos, Cafuchits, or Habibichits. Honestly, this is very annoying. I want to go in to play Zozo for a while and I go into a server and I find this player who starts insulting me out of nowhere with his friend Nazza.
    This is very annoying. You're looking for trouble yourself. I never insulted you or disrespected you.
2. I admit that I used to play Zozo a lot for about 13 or 10 hours before, now it's not like that anymore, I have things to do that's why I don't play as much anymore, I just log in during my free time to play Zozo for a while and I find this player accusing me of using a hack and insulting me with his friend (Nazza)

3. Answering your question about the demon, I'm just going to say that I was laggy since I'm Latino and my average ping is 240 to 250 ping and on my screen I could see when the player Nazza shot you, I just finished it off.
  1. First of all, you started with the insults and accusing me of using cheats, which is a crime in the forum rules, and you started insulting a friend who wasn't even in the game.
    Honestly, I didn't know that because you were sick you could insult whoever you wanted, and it's not the first time you've insulted me by accusing me of using cheats. I honestly don't know what you have with Peruvians, since every server I found you were putting names like Brachetos, Cafuchits, or Habibichits. Honestly, this is very annoying. I want to go in to play Zozo for a while and I go into a server and I find this player who starts insulting me out of nowhere with his friend Nazza.
    This is very annoying. You're looking for trouble yourself. I never insulted you or disrespected you.
2. I admit that I used to play Zozo a lot for about 13 or 10 hours before, now it's not like that anymore, I have things to do that's why I don't play as much anymore, I just log in during my free time to play Zozo for a while and I find this player accusing me of using a hack and insulting me with his friend (Nazza)

3. Answering your question about the demon, I'm just going to say that I was laggy since I'm Latino and my average ping is 240 to 250 ping and on my screen I could see when the player Nazza shot you, I just finished it off.
1 first of all hello, second I know I insulted of course I apologize I get hot when I see a cheater it's not the first time I've caught one, third my fight with that other player is a closed topic not to mention the tremendous hate towards my country saying that we are starving, in addition to the others in the virtual gang who have a lot of "love" for me, I give nicknames to a lot of people whether they are friends or not.
2 Second, I also do things not only because it is more of a hobby, as such, in my experience I know when a player uses cheats, no matter how long one has been playing, one cannot have that aim with Now nazza as such just humors me, he has nothing to do here and the other guy doesn't have anything to do with it either. Things are not between you and me. It could have even been resolved through Discord, but if you want to take it to the forum, of course I have no problem.
3 Third, the last video comes from the demo where I see a suspicious shot with plants, that leads me to think of a type of silent aim, which is undetectable or aim assist is not the first time I have seen that, regardless of the lag I still have a lot of lag making a perfect shot is rare, but for us Latinos who have 150 to 300 or more and more than 250 it plays super badly.

4 the demo as such you can see things with console command that are more detectable another view coordinates, etc., when you entered you played in one way and once I started to accuse things changed there, how strange isn't it? They told me the demos where the suspicious activity is, well my last video with that shot which makes me remember a certain Kirito who also used cheats, additionally I don't care much about their groups but be careful with what they share, don't think that those WhatsApp or Telegram groups don't keep information, don't be deluded.

5 Finally, I leave this video of another cheater which I had hidden, but seeing that my word is in doubt, I published it to show that the anticheat fails or does not recognize some that may be paid, they are already developers who make these softwares and sell them, it is another business, the free version is one thing, the paid one is another, I would not be so deluded to pay for something as for cheats, you have to have a fairly low cognitive level for that, without being more I reiterate my apologies, take them or not. demo speaks for itself.
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Cómo vas a denunciar por eso, Kabromurín; es más, debió haberte pegado ese tiro entre los ojos mucho antes... piensa en tus jugadas o trata de mejorar tus entrys, o al menos ponte a pensar en eso; te apuesto que si lo analizas, te darás cuenta por qué es tan fácil pegarte un pepazo (con láser️‍ <...> por supuesto, sauuu) mientras intentas desesperadamente el pounce u otras jugadas de infectado. Mejora, tienes muchos años en ese servidor (hasta ahora me pregunto por qué, puro dxwn le dio la vida entera 200d+ a ZOZO con ping basura para los latinos o se creen que están jugando competitivo JAJAJAJA)

Siempre pensé que eras un personaje, Kurigey, con tus bromas y todo eso (a mí se me hacía gracioso que me pongas esos sobrenombres <razón por la cual yo también te puse algunos>), pero veo que realmente es tu personalidad, qué disappointing, rey.
Podrías haber denunciado al farmero barato de Habibi por otro tipo de violaciones a las normas, como saltar de servidor en servidor (beneficios VIP) cada que se moría y tomaba bot para morir nuevamente y finalmente irse, no por lo que lo denuncias ahora, o también por cómo abusaba de sus derechos de top 200 JAJAJA para kickear a paolos y tomar los bots, qué sé yo, todo aquel que juega seguido por este servidor lo sabe, incluso yo que casi no me uno.

Estaba haciendo nada y me pasé por aquí para ver qué había de nuevo, no lo tomen personal, sólo son puntos de vista; piensen en ustedes mismos y cómo la gente al rededor los ve.
Cómo vas a denunciar por eso, Kabromurín; es más, debió haberte pegado ese tiro entre los ojos mucho antes... piensa en tus jugadas o trata de mejorar tus entrys, o al menos ponte a pensar en eso; te apuesto que si lo analizas, te darás cuenta por qué es tan fácil pegarte un pepazo (con láser️‍ <...> por supuesto, sauuu) mientras intentas desesperadamente el pounce u otras jugadas de infectado. Mejora, tienes muchos años en ese servidor (hasta ahora me pregunto por qué, puro dxwn le dio la vida entera 200d+ a ZOZO con ping basura para los latinos o se creen que están jugando competitivo JAJAJAJA)

Siempre pensé que eras un personaje, Kurigey, con tus bromas y todo eso (a mí se me hacía gracioso que me pongas esos sobrenombres <razón por la cual yo también te puse algunos>), pero veo que realmente es tu personalidad, qué disappointing, rey.
Podrías haber denunciado al farmero barato de Habibi por otro tipo de violaciones a las normas, como saltar de servidor en servidor (beneficios VIP) cada que se moría y tomaba bot para morir nuevamente y finalmente irse, no por lo que lo denuncias ahora, o también por cómo abusaba de sus derechos de top 200 JAJAJA para kickear a paolos y tomar los bots, qué sé yo, todo aquel que juega seguido por este servidor lo sabe, incluso yo que casi no me uno.

Estaba haciendo nada y me pasé por aquí para ver qué había de nuevo, no lo tomen personal, sólo son puntos de vista; piensen en ustedes mismos y cómo la gente al rededor los ve.
asi es brachetos se me sale lo pende, se que me paso igualemente a veces los demas se pasan, lo que dices ni idea todo es con evidencias aqui eso de que raja y roba bot de los paolox pues lo pueden ver de fondo los dueños del server ya he visto caer mas de un top por abusar del vk para hacer eso, obvio me porto tonoto :V
Good evening, I come with the administrators to file a complaint against the player Nazza and the player Rimuru who accused me of using a hack and also insulted me and my friend who was not playing. The player Rimuru began to threaten me that he was going to tell the admin Cristian to ban me. I sincerely hope they do something with these 2 players because every server I enter and find them they insult me and focus me and this is very annoying. And to make matters worse, they continue to use my friend's personal name with obscene messages and using it as a type of insult. (✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒): el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza: ese es mas malo q el cancer
After analyzing the complaint of both players, it has been concluded that the players Rimuru and Nazza use insults to talk about the player Habibi, while all players can request a demo to other players, it is expected that it is always requested with respect and not in the way it has been done.

6 if I have been rude I apologize to you since this week has been hard I have been sick with the flu abdominal pain taking medicines, therefore I am quite sensitive in all aspects
None of the personal reasons can be considered as a justification for further toxicity / provocations, even if it's a bad day, bad well-being and so on.
Your public apology shows that you are sorry for what happened, however the Violation means Punishment.

This is not the first time Rimuru and Nazza noticed for this kind of behavior.

Indeed, the demo provided has been verified and does contain a few suspicious moments only, which is not enough to end up with a solid decision, however, all the materials will be taken into account.
Thank you for your attentiveness

Nazza: Ban until - 03.04.2025 | Repeated violation of paragraph 3, 8 of the Rules of Behavior - toxicity, provocation, insults.
五七五MRHolaTonotos: Ban until - 03.04.2025 | Repeated violation of paragraph 3, 8 of the Rules of Behavior - toxicity, provocation, insults.
Good evening, I come with the administrators to file a complaint against the player Nazza and the player Rimuru who accused me of using a hack and also insulted me and my friend who was not playing. The player Rimuru began to threaten me that he was going to tell the admin Cristian to ban me. I sincerely hope they do something with these 2 players because every server I enter and find them they insult me and focus me and this is very annoying. And to make matters worse, they continue to use my friend's personal name with obscene messages and using it as a type of insult. (✿Mandrágora✿)
五七五MRKuriMurin(⌒ ⌒): el nelsosno fabianegro xd
Nazza: ese es mas malo q el cancer

Администрация: Рассмотрено.
Hello to the entire zozo community, the reason for my complaint is against the player habibi.

1.- The player habibi says that I was accusing him of using cheats, if in the video he uploaded at no time did I say that he used cheats. The only one who accused him was Rimuru.

2.- He also says that I was insulting the player Habibi by telling him (ese es mas malo q el cancer) when in reality it's not true, my insult was directed at a charger who didn't catch me, who was a paoloX

3.- He also says that I insulted his friend ✿Mandragora✿, which is false because at no time did I write or put back the mocking name (nelsonso fabianegro).

In conclusion if you say that I insulted you please send a screenshot when I insulted you and your friend, because they are banning me for no reason. Your complaint should be between you and Rimuru, don't involve me in your tantrums, if we bother you, well, as my dear administrator Cristian says

Captura de pantalla 2025-03-03 205409.png
2.- He also says that I was insulting the player Habibi by telling him (ese es mas malo q el cancer) when in reality it's not true, my insult was directed at a charger who didn't catch me, who was a paoloX
You and your friend have been involved in attacks on other players, but you learned little that there are consequences for your actions.
(ese es mas malo q el cancer) when in reality it's not true, my insult was directed at a charger who didn't catch me, who was a paoloX
This is part of a chain of insults that was written for the player habibi, no need to lie.
n conclusion if you say that I insulted you please send a screenshot when I insulted you and your friend, because they are banning me for no reason. Your complaint should be between you and Rimuru, don't involve me in your tantrums, if we bother you, well
No more evidence is needed, all the material has been analyzed, the decision has already been made.