Предложения по работе серверов | Suggestions: Servers

You yourself are a random top-40, expel players for the sake of the slot if you die. Rush like a wild one which leads to the death of the team
Dear Maria,

1- If Im a random player then the suggestion includes me as well, so no worries! :)
2- I never kicked a single player for a slot, i do vote-kick after i die ONLY when some noob is wasting pills, or standing there delaying the team.
3- The rushing thing have already been discussed before between admins, and seems like not every admin gets the point, neither do you! But in return, MANY have gotten it eventually, and not only accepted it but liked and were part of it, why? because its fun, a break for the boring routine that most of the others used to do every map. In order for you to get the point, you need to think of the purpose of the game, that the best tactic wins the round, and when the team thinks smart then the team become a part of the plan and simply help the rusher! I NEVER rushed without making sure that at least two good players are taking care of the back and at the same time are a part of the plan. Rushing in a map like "Dead Center" helps defending the team from the other side of the gate, which pisses the enemies off and gets the team points! There is much more to talk about rushing, but please if you don't understand the purpose then read what 22cm have written about the 2 TOTALLY different scenarios of rushing, otherwise i do deserve a kick for rushing like once Mack did and i was all satisfied.
4- relax baby

From the kick that JustLove gave you, everyone knows the reason for your expulsion from the server
1. Rusher
2. you like to retain charger
3. if another person holds it you quickly kick against that player, while you can hold it
Piers here is a secret: one of ur close friends told me that you are sick and need help indeed. Actually the same person the kicked you once lmao. Anyway:
1- Justified* rusher yes.
2- who doesn't? LOOL, but the point is all about when to hold and when to not. here is a scenario:
  • Only 3 out of the whole team are good players, almost all the rest are noobs and hold chargers. The kicking doesn't work cuz the free-tp noobs are voting no. you and the known others get agreed on holding chargers to win the map (especially when its the last round)
many other scenarios can be made and the admins themselfs hold in such scenarios, why? cuz it is alright to hold THEN.
3- Kicking directly is the thing that all of us do when players like Freetp.shit hold. otherwise i never kicked directly if one of the known regular players is holding, but rather i do write, and even shout in microphone NOT TO, a couple of times before i make the vote kick.
Dear Maria,

1- If Im a random player then the suggestion includes me as well, so no worries! :)
2- I never kicked a single player for a slot, i do vote-kick after i die ONLY when some noob is wasting pills, or standing there delaying the team.
3- The rushing thing have already been discussed before between admins, and seems like not every admin gets the point, neither do you! But in return, MANY have gotten it eventually, and not only accepted it but liked and were part of it, why? because its fun, a break for the boring routine that most of the others used to do every map. In order for you to get the point, you need to think of the purpose of the game, that the best tactic wins the round, and when the team thinks smart then the team become a part of the plan and simply help the rusher! I NEVER rushed without making sure that at least two good players are taking care of the back and at the same time are a part of the plan. Rushing in a map like "Dead Center" helps defending the team from the other side of the gate, which pisses the enemies off and gets the team points! There is much more to talk about rushing, but please if you don't understand the purpose then read what 22cm have written about the 2 TOTALLY different scenarios of rushing, otherwise i do deserve a kick for rushing like once Mack did and i was all satisfied.
4- relax baby

blah blah blah, I'm not the first to know you, and it's not the first day I've been playing, and I know your playing style
bla, bla, bla, no soy el primero en conocerte, y no es el primer día que juego, y conozco tu estilo deperso
That guy named Zayood is retarded, he uses the kick without thinking, he kicked me a week ago and twice in a row just because he was with the smoker on a sacrificial roof trying to ram a survivor and when I failed the Charger ... anyone can fail
You can't kick when you feel like it and when you fail with the charger nobody can tell you anything ...
Is that fair?
This type of person does NOT deserve to be in the top 40 does not help the team. Run as if the game was "whoever gets to the shelter first wins". Apparently this person is not wanted at home so he is alone in the game running like crazy ... he must be permanently punished.
Piers here is a secret: one of ur close friends told me that you are sick and need help indeed. Actually the same person the kicked you once lmao. Anyway:
1- Justified* rusher yes.
2- who doesn't? LOOL, but the point is all about when to hold and when to not. here is a scenario:
  • Only 3 out of the whole team are good players, almost all the rest are noobs and hold chargers. The kicking doesn't work cuz the free-tp noobs are voting no. you and the known others get agreed on holding chargers to win the map (especially when its the last round)
many other scenarios can be made and the admins themselfs hold in such scenarios, why? cuz it is alright to hold THEN.
3- Kicking directly is the thing that all of us do when players like Freetp.shit hold. otherwise i never kicked directly if one of the known regular players is holding, but rather i do write, and even shout in microphone NOT TO, a couple of times before i make the vote kick.
if no one of my friends talks to you xD
- I mean that when you have the charger you like to retain it
Why making multiple changes to the servers gives the survivors too much advantage
In my opinion, what was most striking was the quality of the charger's gameplay, but they nerfed
In my opinion and in the opinion of many they should go back to zozo as it was before in their best days where the servers were full.
You should listen to the majority of players if they like the changes you make so the server will grow.
To be honest the server is going to the noise "Thanks to your updates" ... And if they are going to do something to the server they should consult with the players if they like it or not ......... The zozo was much better from before that if he was a good server and for making many changes he lost fame and people

Че за фигня? Играл, выкинуло, типа подключился vip, ладно выкинуло из умерших, дождался, зашел еще раз, выкинуло опять, при том, в этот момент я душил какого то другого игрока курильщиком. Сервер прикольный. Много интересного. Но из-за жажды бабла вами, вы просто не видите обычных игроков проблемы. Если не будет бесплатных игроков, вы ж загнетесь. Смысла в випе не будет тогда.
И да, такой себе бизнес план конеш..
Можете банить, похуй.
Вчера не туда, наверное, практически такой пост создал )))
То же самое постоянно происходит. Разве не последнего зашедшего игрока должно выкинуть? Хотя меня всегда выкидывает, даже если зашел первым на серваки 1-6.
день добрый!
Подскажите какая камера лучше?

Не знаю какая выбирать их
Ех мне б с начало б машину купить ((
день добрый!
Подскажите какая камера лучше?

Не знаю какая выбирать их
Камера от мячика самое то))
Как раз зафиксируешь все на дорого. )
Тема для таких вот сообщений это ФЛУДИЛКА.
Так что не засоряй всякой дичью. ))
Надеюсь на твоё понимание.))
Есть возможность оптимизировать сервера, например отказаться от не совсем нужных плагинов, без которых можно существовать и т.д? Дело в том, что при игре на серверах зозо очень просаживается фпс, появляются фризы и вся тому подобная "вкуснятина". Ради интереса проверил нагрузку на пк на других проектах, фпс в 1.5 - 2 раза выше, нагрузка на пк не такая критичная. Можно ли как то оптимизировать сервера?
is it possible to create a server in asia region?
thank you very much
need a server from asian
Серверный ФПС Московских серверов падает с 237 до 80 при этом происходят лаги. Играть не комфортно
I find the servers very good. I don't think I have such a low ping anywhere else. In coop it is a bit high, but it is still well playable. But the FPS problems mentioned by Sever I also had in some cases. I was inactive for a while and don't remember having them before. Has anything changed on the servers? I only had them in some situations, but now I can't name them off the top of my head.
Есть ли возможность добавить вторую карту главы "Нет милосердия" на Чарджер-рейс? Было бы не плохо на ней пробовать свои силы в управлении громом.