Dear Maria,
1- If Im a random player then the suggestion includes me as well, so no worries!

2- I never kicked a single player for a slot, i do vote-kick after i die ONLY when some noob is wasting pills, or standing there delaying the team.
3- The rushing thing have already been discussed before between admins, and seems like not every admin gets the point, neither do you! But in return, MANY have gotten it eventually, and not only accepted it but liked and were part of it, why? because its fun, a break for the boring routine that most of the others used to do every map. In order for you to get the point, you need to think of the purpose of the game, that the best tactic wins the round, and when the team thinks smart then the team become a part of the plan and simply help the rusher! I NEVER rushed without making sure that at least two good players are taking care of the back and at the same time are a part of the plan. Rushing in a map like "Dead Center" helps defending the team from the other side of the gate, which pisses the enemies off and gets the team points! There is much more to talk about rushing, but please if you don't understand the purpose then read what 22cm have written about the 2 TOTALLY different scenarios of rushing, otherwise i do deserve a kick for rushing like once Mack did and i was all satisfied.
4- relax baby