Пусть Говорят: Понятные темы на Испанском (нет), о которых невозможно молчать (но это не точно)

3. I wasn't going to do it before consulting with an administrator, so I, you, was looking for something better to hurt myself ;v
You didn't do it because you couldn't find anyone who wanted to be part of your group, so you started farming on your own.

Furthermore, whoever wanted to be part of a group whose purpose is to enter the servers and start suffering damage with the spitter to earn points, if you had even done calculations, you affirmed that with that technique you would earn up to 3k points per day, you affirmed that it is more What the current top 1 earns, right? I see you suffering because you have applied all those strategies and calculations in vain. If you say so much that you don't play to farm, I highly doubt that it will hurt you to have your rank and kick permanently taken away.

For players like you who ruin the gaming experience and are only dedicated to sharing toxicity many players have had bad and stressful times
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You also mention that you consulted with the administration, so they already knew that about all this, because you are here defending yourself, wouldn't it be easier to ask the administrator to clarify that you had authorization? Or did you not care that they told you that this is prohibited and you did it secretly?
3. harassment? Please brother...really?
Yes, the repeated times that you threaten me, mention and make comments towards me (which are in fact offensive comments), were intended to annoy/provoke me to start arguing with you. (before you act crazy, here are the screenshots)

If I didn't answer you it was because I knew that at some point this dilemma was going to get worse...

And because it is also prohibited.

Правила поведения во время игры на серверах ZoZo BF-MT

8. Arranging dismounts/conflicts in voice and text chat while playing on the server is prohibited.
but Fadeaway are the players who still have a good round, with 25 or 30 kills. Their intention is to continue accumulating points no matter what. In fact, I believe that the image where he mentions the 45 murders is his and it occurred in the subway. Summing it all up we arrived at the shelter and still with more than 30 murders from it. He or she stayed out to continue accumulating points. In fact, it was the same reason I threatened to report him. I have a demo with the same problem and maybe I'll upload it soon.
1)As I remember, you just joined into saferoom and asked me to do the same under the threat of a kick.
Firstly, tell me, who are you to calling players what they should do, especially on a public server? Did you imagine yourself as a strongest zozo player or did you just decide to assert yourself (in other words show your toxicity) by threatening to kick? Well, I continue.
You werent embarrassed at all, by the fact that out of the entire crowd of survivors, you were the only one standing in saferrom, well maybe some other paolox was with you. I stood next to the shelter door and covered my mates who were the lasts. At this time, you were standing afk in saferoom, writing in the chat that I farming idiot with 50 frags. After several minutes you called me toxic and left the game xD (btw you call ppl toxic, but at the same time you insult the players lmao). Well, okay, these words are without evidence. It seemed like you were going to write a report for me and post demo, so where is everything actually? A month has passed already. Well, show us where I brazenly stand outside and farm, while my team waits me in a saferoom. But Im sure that you have nothing and that your another attempt to slander the players. It seems to me that you will soon falsely accuse absolutely everone zozo player for something(farming reason your favourite). And that is not my screenshot which VROXD97 used.

2)I will also support the guys who wrote a report against you. I played with you in the same team on c1m4atrium map about week ago. While our team for a long time did not allow the survivors to leave on the elevator, you simply stood behind the walls and reloaded the spitter, farming points (oh, sorry, you were farming not points, you were farming damage for a tank) In moments when the spitter was really needed for blocking the path for survivors or make them limp (thereby delaying them), no one could take spitter because of your selfishness, which you are trying to hide.
Okay, lets look at the screenshot which were sent by player VROXD97. Dude, in one smoker life (which lasted 10 minutes, judging by the logs) you earned 96 points. This isnt funny to you, do you really want to say that you didnt farm? You came up with a completely stupid excuse for this - to bully the survivors, to anger them. Rather, you bully and anger your teammates, gifting the survivors a very long godframes due to failed smoker attack. Survivors just move and kill infects, and your mates even cant do anything. During this godframe, survivors are not damaged, and chargers cannot control survivors on map. Even boomers cant vomit a survivor during this godframe. You perfectly know this details, you have 2k hours on zozo. It turns out you are just ruining the game. It seems you didnt think about your smoker grinding excuse so well.
Comparing all the facts, I can say that you are simply grinding points and carefully trying to hide it, using completely stupid excuses. With your selfishness you are simply trolling games for the sake of your statistics, but you are not gonna realize this and will come up with some bullshit to justify yourself.

3)Well, in conclusion, I can say that grinding points with a smoker and a spitter is your constant gamestyle as infected. You can afford yourself to hold a character for 10 minutes, which is on average half round. At the same time, you dont bring something usefull for your team, you are just afk player which only think about his own benefit. Absolutely anyone can go to your hlx profile, open the log of your actions and verify this (Im attaching several screenshots, I found it after spending about 5 minutes. I am sure you can find such many more in his logs). Moreover you allow yourself to insult players and tell lies about them, you threaten to kick the player if he refuses to obey your nonsense.


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2. Upload the full clip of when I threatened Wok, because if I remember correctly, Wok stayed to commit murders downstairs when we needed help upstairs. He preferred to accumulate points instead of helping his teammates.

I love how you say "we needed help upstairs" when it is well known that you spend your time farming downstairs with the bullets, and it seems what bothered you was that the wok player did play as a human and stole all your frags, and I don't blame him because since you're rubbish at playing as a survivor and you shoot all your bullets into the air, it's easy to steal your frags.

Stop thinking that I am stupid and that by lying this way you will save yourself because every word that comes out of your mouth I will use against you.

A survivor who does not have a first aid kit or adrenaline cannot survive, much less get up alone.
Did you know? LOL

I love how you say that I woke up with my first aid kit as if it were a "paolox", when you had already used it up a long time ago. Besides, I remind you that when you tried to pick me up I was black and white, but since you are only useful for farming with the spitter, you don't know how to pay attention to those details dumd.
The rules regarding farming points are not entirely specific. especially in the situation that bothers you. Although I don't understand if it's the way I accumulate points or that I accumulate more points than you? That would explain why you're only pointing at me. When we both know that there are many who do it too.
Tell me why didn't you record Valencia? to the king? Peppa Pig? ;v
however. In which I decided to report the players to get points. It is clear, 22cm already said at the time that delaying the duration of the rounds to accumulate frags as well as more points is totally prohibited.
If so, share your videos where you can see Peppa pig, Valencua and Rey farming with the Spitter and removing -2 points with the Smoker

What bothers me is the disgusting and annoying way of farming points.

You are a complete hypocrite, you know very well what you are doing and you come here to accuse other players for farming by increasing the duration of the games.
4(3). hiva to try to do an instakill with the wildcard. and according to what you said you couldn't download it. Why don't you put yourself in my shoes and imagine how frustrating it is when a player ruins a play? A 10 vs 9 is better than a 10 vs 10.
What instakill is in the can room where you were taking it? On top of that, with the orange life, are you going to fall from the crystal and kill it from a height of 1 meter? I take the opportunity to steal it from you and take it to the stairs to throw it through the glass and I fail because the charger's run time
What instakill is in the can room where you were taking it? On top of that, with the orange life, are you going to fall from the crystal and kill it from a height of 1 meter? I take the opportunity to steal it from you and take it to the stairs to throw it through the glass and I fail because the charger's run time
Brief recreation of the events that led me to want to vote for the player vroxd97.

Like I said, I tried to kill the jockey and the vroxd97 player, still aware of my intentions, I snatch the survivor and try to look cool by using the charger to take him down, but no. He and his poor aim ruined a play that could have made things easier for us later. He preferred to show off rather than do what was best for the team.
I think that drop is more than 1 meter.

It's pure cinema ;:v

I love how you say "we needed help upstairs" when it is well known that you spend your time farming downstairs with the bullets, and it seems what bothered you was that the wok player did play as a human and stole all your frags, and I don't blame him because since you're rubbish at playing as a survivor and you shoot all your bullets into the air, it's easy to steal your frags.

Stop thinking that I am stupid and that by lying this way you will save yourself because every word that comes out of your mouth I will use against you.

I love how you say that I woke up with my first aid kit as if it were a "paolox", when you had already used it up a long time ago. Besides, I remind you that when you tried to pick me up I was black and white, but since you are only useful for farming with the spitter, you don't know how to pay attention to those details dumd.
Yes, we needed help from above and wok like you, like JhonTravolta, Rei, Rock, etc. the list is long. including me.
They don't help above, they usually always stay below killing infected.
and a small clarification. I stopped going up and trying to lower the cans for the same reason. It is usually very difficult to get them down, the constant attacks are exasperating. and when you finally do, you throw the can down and it stays there until a spitter appears and burns it.
Do you know how annoying that is? For the same reason, I stopped trying to lower the cans, since it is impossible to try when half of the team only thinks about continuing to kill, instead of filling the cans and finishing the round.
and you talk as if you didn't! ;v
Brother, I have NEVER seen you take a can and fill it. NEVER. I only see you below moving around the map, wanting to make as many deaths as possible, as well as the players I mentioned and more.

"because since you're rubbish at playing as a survivor and you shoot all your bullets into the air"
No need to insult brother.
4. Feedback to the Forum

4.1.1. С испоьзованием нецензрных (в ч числе завуалированных, срых с с дискримини specific тем, сообщениях или личной переписке с другими участниками Форума;

4.2. Завуалированное или Форума на орбления and и/или выяснение отношений в ветках Форума запрещено.

I didn't say you woke up with the first aid kit. I guess it's a bad translation, change the translator.
I really don't remember. I only remember that you got up and ran away, leaving me stranded of course, a detail that you keep omitting on purpose.
Neither brother, you know that I am good at playing, not the best. not at all, but you would always prefer to have me on your team rather than a paolox.
1)As I remember, you just joined into saferoom and asked me to do the same under the threat of a kick.
Firstly, tell me, who are you to calling players what they should do, especially on a public server? Did you imagine yourself as a strongest zozo player or did you just decide to assert yourself (in other words show your toxicity) by threatening to kick? Well, I continue.
You werent embarrassed at all, by the fact that out of the entire crowd of survivors, you were the only one standing in saferrom, well maybe some other paolox was with you. I stood next to the shelter door and covered my mates who were the lasts. At this time, you were standing afk in saferoom, writing in the chat that I farming idiot with 50 frags. After several minutes you called me toxic and left the game xD (btw you call ppl toxic, but at the same time you insult the players lmao). Well, okay, these words are without evidence. It seemed like you were going to write a report for me and post demo, so where is everything actually? A month has passed already. Well, show us where I brazenly stand outside and farm, while my team waits me in a saferoom. But Im sure that you have nothing and that your another attempt to slander the players. It seems to me that you will soon falsely accuse absolutely everone zozo player for something(farming reason your favourite). And that is not my screenshot which VROXD97 used.

2)I will also support the guys who wrote a report against you. I played with you in the same team on c1m4atrium map about week ago. While our team for a long time did not allow the survivors to leave on the elevator, you simply stood behind the walls and reloaded the spitter, farming points (oh, sorry, you were farming not points, you were farming damage for a tank) In moments when the spitter was really needed for blocking the path for survivors or make them limp (thereby delaying them), no one could take spitter because of your selfishness, which you are trying to hide.
Okay, lets look at the screenshot which were sent by player VROXD97. Dude, in one smoker life (which lasted 10 minutes, judging by the logs) you earned 96 points. This isnt funny to you, do you really want to say that you didnt farm? You came up with a completely stupid excuse for this - to bully the survivors, to anger them. Rather, you bully and anger your teammates, gifting the survivors a very long godframes due to failed smoker attack. Survivors just move and kill infects, and your mates even cant do anything. During this godframe, survivors are not damaged, and chargers cannot control survivors on map. Even boomers cant vomit a survivor during this godframe. You perfectly know this details, you have 2k hours on zozo. It turns out you are just ruining the game. It seems you didnt think about your smoker grinding excuse so well.
Comparing all the facts, I can say that you are simply grinding points and carefully trying to hide it, using completely stupid excuses. With your selfishness you are simply trolling games for the sake of your statistics, but you are not gonna realize this and will come up with some bullshit to justify yourself.

3)Well, in conclusion, I can say that grinding points with a smoker and a spitter is your constant gamestyle as infected. You can afford yourself to hold a character for 10 minutes, which is on average half round. At the same time, you dont bring something usefull for your team, you are just afk player which only think about his own benefit. Absolutely anyone can go to your hlx profile, open the log of your actions and verify this (Im attaching several screenshots, I found it after spending about 5 minutes. I am sure you can find such many more in his logs). Moreover you allow yourself to insult players and tell lies about them, you threaten to kick the player if he refuses to obey your nonsense.
I suppose that being the player with the highest rank on the server, I must control that one or more players on my team do not ruin the game for the other players, as you did by staying outside the shelter, according to you to cover. others. last players But it wasn't like that or at least it wasn't how I saw it, you had 45 deaths brother! One excellent round and you'll be there to keep killing.
No, I don't remember calling you toxic.
Can't a rookie call another rookie a rookie? What are you trying to prove with that logic?
I have no evidence of what you did that time, but I do the next 02:46.
when you have a clear path to enter the shelter and you stay next to pochi to continue eliminating infected. Were you trying to cover for your teammates?

Yes I think so. (Do you know how many atrium games I've played? Why not me? ;v)
But why are you pointing only at me? As you may have noticed, I'm not the only one.
If you've ever seen me tank... you'd rather have me in command or a random player who probably won't hurt you.
block? Generally the dejected enter and descend without any problem.

If a smoker hits you over and over while you're trying to climb the stairs or move around the second floor, doesn't it bother you? Doesn't it take away your concentration and the goal you had planned to do? how to lower the can.
Especially if they take 2 points from you, it is an attack and farming strategy. Despair the rival team's players, make them lose concentration. that they are wrong, etc. why don't you try it? In fact, thanks to that, in one of my many games I managed to get the tank to eliminate 2 players when they were trying to climb the stairs.
It's not a stupid excuse, what's stupid is that you complain about a player using strategies that you just don't like.
such as, for example, when the tank is allowed to throw stones from above. I guess that bothers you too, right? but it's strategy, accept it.
And tell me, have you ever considered the smoker as the infected person that you are going to use after the boom? I really doubt it. Like others, you simply switch between boomer and charger and other infected depending on the situation.

You take me for stupid.
Spitting in an open place is useless, I know this better than anyone.
He is also not a smoker.
So no, it's not my style of play.
It varies depending on the map and the situation, like in Atrium where I mainly use "that playstyle", just like Boomer.
If you complain about me for retaining an infected person, I suppose you are also going to complain about those who appear in the video, and the many others who do it daily on the servers.
1) Según recuerdo, acabas de entrar en la sala de seguridad y me pediste que hiciera lo mismo bajo la amenaza de una patada.
En primer lugar, dime, ¿quién eres tú para llamar a los jugadores lo que deben hacer, especialmente en un servidor público? ¿Te imaginaste a ti mismo como un jugador de zozo más fuerte o simplemente decidiste imponerte (en otras palabras, mostrar tu toxicidad) amenazando con patear? Bueno, continúo.
No te avergonzó en absoluto el hecho de que, de toda la multitud de supervivientes, fueras el único que estuviera en pie en saferrom, bueno, tal vez algún otro paolox estaba contigo. Me paré junto a la puerta del refugio y cubrí a mis compañeros, que eran los últimos. En este momento, estabas parado afk en la habitación segura, escribiendo en el chat que yo estaba cultivando idiota con 50 fragmentos. Después de varios minutos me llamaste tóxico y dejaste el juego xD (por cierto llamas tóxico a la gente, pero al mismo tiempo insultas a los jugadores lmao). Bueno, está bien, estas palabras no tienen evidencia. Parecía que ibas a escribir un informe para mí y publicar una demostración, así que ¿dónde está todo realmente? Ya ha pasado un mes. Bueno, muéstranos dónde me paro descaradamente afuera y cultivo, mientras mi equipo me espera en una sala de seguridad. Pero estoy seguro de que no tienes nada y que es otro intento de calumniar a los jugadores. Me parece que pronto acusarás falsamente a absolutamente todos los jugadores de zozo por algo (razón de agricultura tu favorita). Y esa no es mi captura de pantalla que VROXD97 usó.

2) También apoyaré a los tipos que escribieron un informe en su contra. Jugué contigo en el mismo equipo en el mapa c1m4atrium hace aproximadamente una semana. Si bien nuestro equipo durante mucho tiempo no permitió que los supervivientes salieran en el ascensor, simplemente te paraste detrás de las paredes y recargaste el escupidor, cultivando puntos (oh, lo siento, no estabas cultivando puntos, estabas cultivando daño para un tanque) En momentos en que el escupidor era realmente necesario para bloquear el camino de los supervivientes o hacerlos cojear (retrasando así su tiempo), Nadie podría tomar saliva debido a tu egoísmo, que estás tratando de ocultar.
Bien, echemos un vistazo a la captura de pantalla que envió el jugador VROXD97. Amigo, en una vida de fumador (que duró 10 minutos, a juzgar por los registros) ganaste 96 puntos. Esto no es gracioso para ti, ¿realmente quieres decir que no cultivaste? Se te ocurrió una excusa completamente estúpida para esto: intimidar a los sobrevivientes, enojarlos. Más bien, intimidas y enfureces a tus compañeros de equipo, regalando a los supervivientes un marco divino muy largo debido al ataque fallido de un fumador. Los supervivientes simplemente se mueven y matan a los infectados, y tus compañeros ni siquiera pueden hacer nada. Durante este marco divino, los supervivientes no reciben daño y los cargadores no pueden controlar a los supervivientes en el mapa. Ni siquiera los boomers pueden vomitar a un superviviente durante este marco divino. Conoces perfectamente estos detalles, tienes 2k horas en zozo. Resulta que solo estás arruinando el juego. Parece que no pensaste tan bien en tu excusa de molienda de fumador.
Comparando todos los hechos, puedo decir que simplemente estás moliendo puntos y tratando de ocultarlo cuidadosamente, usando excusas completamente estúpidas. Con tu egoísmo simplemente estás troleando juegos por el bien de tus estadísticas, pero no te vas a dar cuenta de esto y se te ocurrirán algunas tonterías para justificarte.

3) Bueno, en conclusión, puedo decir que moler puntos con un fumador y un escupidor es tu estilo de juego constante como infectado. Puedes permitirte sostener a un personaje durante 10 minutos, lo que es, en promedio, media ronda. Al mismo tiempo, no traes algo útil para tu equipo, solo eres un jugador ausente que solo piensa en su propio beneficio. Absolutamente cualquiera puede ir a su perfil hlx, abrir el registro de sus acciones y verificar esto (adjunto varias capturas de pantalla, lo encontré después de pasar unos 5 minutos. Estoy seguro de que puedes encontrar muchos más en sus registros). Además, te permites insultar a los jugadores y decir mentiras sobre ellos, amenazas con patear al jugador si se niega a obedecer tus tonterías.
Quería reunir más pruebas sobre usted y su incumplimiento de las normas sobre agricultura.
pero supongo que ese video es suficiente para que un administrador considere castigarlo de la manera que mejor le parezca.
Y algo a tener en cuenta es que esto es solo una prueba, no puedo imaginar cuántas veces has extendido la duración del juego para seguir cultivando puntos.
especialmente con las muertes que haces,
Si estoy contento con 20 o 30 muertes por ronda, ¿qué te hace romper las reglas sobre la agricultura incluso con 35 o 45 muertes? Simplemente no lo entiendo.
because since you're rubbish at playing as a survivor and you shoot all your bullets into the air"
No need to insult brother.
4. Feedback to the Forum
Yes, you are rubbish, if I have to refer to you that way it is because there is no other more accurate word, I and everyone you insulted are sure that you are that and much more. But to respect the rules I have to limit myself to saying a part of what you are.

For me, respect is earned and not only did you harass, threaten and insult me, you do not deserve any kind of respect from me or from any player you named in all the screenshots I sent.

You can call me "baby", call all players "Idiots", "armed", "Mongol" and say rude things in the chat. But when I come I tell you only a part of what you are. You get offended by showing a rule you broke more than 100 times stated in the game chat. You lost your right not to use offensive language a long time ago here and on the servers. I repeat again, you are a complete hypocrite...

Brief recreation of the events that led me to want to vote for the player vroxd97.

Like I said, I tried to kill the jockey and the vroxd97 player, still aware of my intentions, I snatch the survivor and try to look cool by using the charger to take him down, but no. He and his poor aim ruined a play that could have made things easier for us later. He preferred to show off rather than do what was best for the team.
I think that drop is more than 1 meter.

It's pure cinema ;:v

And you lie again, unfortunately for you I already said that where you took him was to the room where you spawn in your video, you don't understand the part "failed due to the charger's run time" the only thing you do is contradict yourself only and little by little You are agreeing with me on all the issues I touched on.

I didn't say you woke up with the first aid kit. I guess it's a bad translation, change the translator.
I really don't remember. I only remember that you got up and ran away, leaving me stranded of course, a detail that you keep omitting on purpose.
Neither brother, you know that I am good at playing, not the best. not at all, but you would always prefer to have me on your team rather than a paolox.

Now don't you remember? Well, you detailed it even better than me, or could it be that you don't remember it because I'm right? and if I don't respond to him leaving you because I don't have to, just because you already mentioned that I reached the middle of the map you give yourself away. You gave me a kick for securing starting points, besides you have 2k hours, I don't think you don't know something as basic as the scoring system, right?

I realize that you did not respond to the topic of your very calculated strategy to farm points, what happened? If it was a topic that you had studied so well. Not that "VROXD97 I have a request for you, let's make a group where we join the servers to farm points by letting ourselves get killed, with this strategy we would earn 3k points per day, it is the most that the current top 1 earns, DFX" in fact Did I already mention that you also constantly harass DFX?

And also why don't you mention your technique for securing the tank? Could it not be because you already saw that it is something that is completely prohibited? And do you want to leave this topic aside?

And as you mentioned, you already asked about your technique of farming points with the administrators. They told you it was forbidden and you farmed anyway. In fact, if you could, I would like you to tag this administrator that you consulted so that he can confirm this line.

Couldn't this be the reason why you didn't touch on this topic?, keep answering little by little you are proving me right
Yes, we needed help from above and wok like you, like JhonTravolta, Rei, Rock, etc. the list is long. including me.
They don't help above, they usually always stay below killing infected.
and a small clarification. I stopped going up and trying to lower the cans for the same reason. It is usually very difficult to get them down, the constant attacks are exasperating. and when you finally do, you throw the can down and it stays there until a spitter appears and burns it.
Do you know how annoying that is? For the same reason, I stopped trying to lower the cans, since it is impossible to try when half of the team only thinks about continuing to kill, instead of filling the cans and finishing the round.
and you talk as if you didn't! ;v
Brother, I have NEVER seen you take a can and fill it. NEVER. I only see you below moving around the map, wanting to make as many deaths as possible, as well as the players I mentioned and more.
Haven't you seen my gameplay? Of course I don't, I stop to cover the players who are going towards the cans, bursting boomers in the air, that's how I earn my points, supporting my team. A big difference with not letting go of the spitter and giving godframes of almost 3 seconds to the survivors. Besides THIS IS NOT THE TOPIC WE WERE TALKING ABOUT.

In this entire text you only confirmed that you farm below and that you wanted to kick Wok for stealing your kills (that's why you didn't mention this), and since you have no way to deny this, you come to excuse yourself by saying that I and other players are also farmers (which does not defend anything that you wanted to kick wok for farming just like you were doing). well and if we were...

I repeat it again, you are a complete hypocrite.
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Te lo voy a decir en español y en inglés para que lo entiendas bien porque parece que algo no va bien contigo.

Estos 5 días he pasado más horas en el foro que en el juego en sí.

¿Y viste cuántos mensajes me dejaste? Por favor hermano crees que no tengo vida social... mi horas dicen lo contrario pero ese no es el punto ;v... es sentido común NO voy a pasar 2 o 3 horas respondiendo a cada uno de los Varios mensajes que recibo en el foro.
Por cada respuesta que dejo me dejas 2 o 3, ¿no puedes simplemente dejar un mensaje y esperar a que responda al primero? ya entonces me acusas de lo que quieras.
I'm going to tell you in Spanish and English so that you understand it well because it seems that something is not going well with you.

These 5 days I have spent more hours in the forum than in the game itself.

And did you see how many messages you left me? Please brother, do you think I have no social life... my schedule says otherwise but that's not the point ;v... it's common sense I'm NOT going to spend 2 or 3 hours responding to each of the Various messages I receive in the forum.
For every reply I leave you leave me 2 or 3, can't you just leave a message and wait for me to reply to the first one? Then you accuse me of whatever you want.
Te lo voy a decir en español y en inglés para que lo entiendas bien porque parece que algo no va bien contigo.

Estos 5 días he pasado más horas en el foro que en el juego en sí.

¿Y viste cuántos mensajes me dejaste? Por favor hermano crees que no tengo vida social... mi horas dicen lo contrario pero ese no es el punto ;v... es sentido común NO voy a pasar 2 o 3 horas respondiendo a cada uno de los Varios mensajes que recibo en el foro.
Por cada respuesta que dejo me dejas 2 o 3, ¿no puedes simplemente dejar un mensaje y esperar a que responda al primero? ya entonces me acusas de lo que quieras.
I'm going to tell you in Spanish and English so that you understand it well because it seems that something is not going well with you.

These 5 days I have spent more hours in the forum than in the game itself.

And did you see how many messages you left me? Please brother, do you think I have no social life... my schedule says otherwise but that's not the point ;v... it's common sense I'm NOT going to spend 2 or 3 hours responding to each of the Various messages I receive in the forum.
For every reply I leave you leave me 2 or 3, can't you just leave a message and wait for me to reply to the first one? Then you accuse me of whatever you want.
Solo di que no tienes como defenderte, igual vas a pagar por todo lo que hiciste y lo sabes.
I suppose that being the player with the highest rank on the server, I must control that one or more players on my team do not ruin the game for the other players, as you did by staying outside the shelter, according to you to cover. others. last players But it wasn't like that or at least it wasn't how I saw it, you had 45 deaths brother! One excellent round and you'll be there to keep killing.
No, I don't remember calling you toxic.
Can't a rookie call another rookie a rookie? What are you trying to prove with that logic?
I have no evidence of what you did that time, but I do the next 02:46.
when you have a clear path to enter the shelter and you stay next to pochi to continue eliminating infected. Were you trying to cover for your teammates?

Yes I think so. (Do you know how many atrium games I've played? Why not me? ;v)
But why are you pointing only at me? As you may have noticed, I'm not the only one.
If you've ever seen me tank... you'd rather have me in command or a random player who probably won't hurt you.
block? Generally the dejected enter and descend without any problem.

If a smoker hits you over and over while you're trying to climb the stairs or move around the second floor, doesn't it bother you? Doesn't it take away your concentration and the goal you had planned to do? how to lower the can.
Especially if they take 2 points from you, it is an attack and farming strategy. Despair the rival team's players, make them lose concentration. that they are wrong, etc. why don't you try it? In fact, thanks to that, in one of my many games I managed to get the tank to eliminate 2 players when they were trying to climb the stairs.
It's not a stupid excuse, what's stupid is that you complain about a player using strategies that you just don't like.
such as, for example, when the tank is allowed to throw stones from above. I guess that bothers you too, right? but it's strategy, accept it.
And tell me, have you ever considered the smoker as the infected person that you are going to use after the boom? I really doubt it. Like others, you simply switch between boomer and charger and other infected depending on the situation.

You take me for stupid.
Spitting in an open place is useless, I know this better than anyone.
He is also not a smoker.
So no, it's not my style of play.
It varies depending on the map and the situation, like in Atrium where I mainly use "that playstyle", just like Boomer.
If you complain about me for retaining an infected person, I suppose you are also going to complain about those who appear in the video, and the many others who do it daily on the servers.
1) Dude, it seems that you will soon drown in your own lies. The more you write, the worse it is for you.

Are you must to control players on a public server? Who told you about this? Is your desire to assert yourself using threats of kicks and insults towards me? Well, then I understand it.

Are you denying that you called me toxic? Okay, Im attaching a screenshot with number 1 of you. In addition, you promised to write a complaint against me (I also attach screenshots 2,3,4 of this fact). Now you are saying that you have no evidence xDDD. You did not write your version of how everything happened on c1m2subway, and you didnt post the promised report. Im still waiting for at least your verbal version of how it all happened. All your arguments against me are that I had 45 frags for all map (and that was in words). In the game chat you wrote that I had 50 frags, but now I have 45 (screenshots 5 and 6 attached). Your incompetence again? Well, lets skip this moment, maybe the human factor. Btw tell us, is using the word “idiot” your way of players controlling?

In conclusion of this point, I can say that you are just a wannabe who has gained a lot of points in a dishonest way (This allows you to behave arrogantly towards the players threaten them with kick and insult them. Well, In addition, everybody understands perfectly that you are very far from the image of a strong player, you can chill out). You are not player with inappropriate behavior only, you are also a blatant liar. In your first 7 sentences you LIEED about me TWICE (denial of calling me a toxic, baseless assertion that I ruined the game for ppl on c1m2subway, well, actually the absence of the promised complaint. This guy didnt even bother write exactly how I ruined the game, at least verbally. The fact that I stood outside the saferoom and covered the lasts mates does not mean anything). This makes people think about the value of your words.

2) Okay, lets check you report against fadeaway&pochi . Your video clearly shows that we are not standing for one place and are moving towards saferoom. We slightly slowed at the end because the respawn space opened up. Accordingly due to the opened space for the infected, attack began on us. We are in vomiting, commons surrounded and blocked us, and on top of this we are under attack from special infected that fly out on us using rocketspawns. While in vomiting, I cant see where my mates are, I also cant see what happening around me, Im disoriented. Explain me how, we were supposed to move in this state? It is obvious that the chargers (which are even visible in your video) will try to drop us. To prevent this, you need to move as far away as possible, kill mobs and all special infected. In other words, repel attack. Even if there were no mobs that prevented us from physically moving and blocked us, but only a crowd of special infections that rocket spawned behind us, it would be very stupid to ignore this and just go for +w in saferoom (seems probably only you would do that and in a few seconds would have dropped by a charger). Idk why I explain this to “god” of zozo. You are a strong player who controls your teammates, so you must understand this. But if you saw farming here, it tells us the opposite.

I also wanna mark that your video shows that you are again standing afk, inactive. But now in spawn mode, not in cooldown mode with the spitter/smoker xD. Instead of your texting, you could help your teammates with boomer, or jockey, or try to charge someone.

At the end of this point, I came to the conclusion that your video does not carry any meaning in terms of players farming. Your video only shows that you are again trolling the game for your teammates. Instead of attacking the survivors and helping your team, you just stand afk and write useless and provocative (threat of reporting) messages in the chat.

3) Regarding the smoker and the spitter. I already wrote to you that in this way you are ruining games by giving a godframe to the survivors and are actually inactive on the map for the sake of your statistics. Idk about the others, but personally I dont care if two points are taken away from me. Rather, I will just say thank you for the free godframe, under which I can easily repel an attack.
I didnt tell you anything about open spaces. You have come up with something again and are trying to move away from the topic of your farming. The spitter can be used to temporarily block a survivors path. The spitter is very useful in the narrow corridors that survivors must go through to get the elevator in the c1m4atrium (again, why am I explaining this to a “strong” player?). But as you can see from your logs, if you are in a team, your teammates are deprived of the opportunity to use this method of holding survivors because of your selfishness.

You can open your eyes, turn on your brain and reread my second point in my first message. Im not gonna tell you something twice. You are simply hiding your farming with some stupid excuses - covering under “tactics”. And in general, if a person seriously considers this a tactic, I think he should not play competitive online games. Maybe casual games like minecraft will be better.

4) IN CONCLUSION of all this message, I wanna highlight the most important things. This man, as I showed above in this message, loves to blatantly lie (and a lot - in just ONE message about me he LIED TWICE) and carping players. You must pay attention on this fact when you read his bullshit, especially admins. In addition, it seems that he imagined himself as the strongest zozo player, having in his statistics fairly big amount of points (Which, as we have seen, were obtained in a dishonest way) and, as a result, the rights for kick. This, in his opinion, gives him a number of privileges. Namely, point out to the players, and, even worse, behave arrogantly towards them - threaten to kick them or rly abusing kick rights and insult them ofc. This person wants to appear harmless on the forum in the admins eyes, but his actions in the game betray his image as a victim. He also tries to hide his farming under some "tactics", but he didnt thought out excuse enough good. Well, maybe he did not try to think at all. His excusses are completely stupid, especially for a player with 2k hours on account.


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Right after the boomer vomits on you, you run to the shelter to apparently take more bullets. And the way you moved, you didn't seem very disoriented and much less careful when moving, you were literally running in a straight line towards the shelter. You would think that to get to a safe place but NO, you took bullets and got out you will most likely continue to accumulate points.

00.30 both you and Pochi are less than 2 meters from the shelter but you are in no hurry to enter.
Then the acid from the grill blocks their way. It seems like they want to avoid damage and possible falls, who doesn't? But but..

00:39 The acid in the saliva disappears and they have a clear entrance. There are no boomers, much less a horde of common infected.
but a jocker that you see and wait for him to approach to try to kill him. the smoker catches you, you free yourself and immediately run to kill the joker that you couldn't kill before
00.49. They have a clear entrance, listen to the infected and wait for them to attack and kill them.
Pochi kills PC1 and you kill the shitty joker.

00.53. Once again they have a clear path to enter, but they stand still waiting to be attacked.

Pochi enters the shelter and they leave the door open for you to enter. However, you stay next to the door to continue racking up kills. You can't kill the wild card and it seems that as soon as you saw my mention of "enter" or "reporto" you wanted to enter...
coincidence? I don't believe it.

In fact, from minute 00:23 it seems that they do nothing more than lengthen the duration of the game, giving the enemy time to continue attacking, especially after the spitter. You are meters from the shelter, in that situation one more fall is not something that matters.

If the administration wants it, I will upload the video from Fadeaway's angle where you can see perfectly how he enters the shelter for more bullets, of course, if not, how can he continue farming?


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