
Хитман:где ваши демки)
Я:некоторые не в сети и не могут предоставить
Хитман:А кто?
Я: говорю кто
Хитман:на следуйщий день А кто не принёс демки
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У Хатаба
Me gustaría informarles que el jugador Amaterasu [#] ha sido excluido del cálculo estadístico con la desactivación completa de los derechos y privilegios de rango, incluidos los derechos y privilegios del top 40.
La patada derecha ha sido revocada permanentemente.

Resumen :
Desde el 18 de octubre al 21 de mayo, este jugador recibió un total de 27 bloqueos de servidor, que van desde 10 minutos hasta una semana. Enlace a prohibiciones [#]
Fue prohibido, principalmente por prisa, agotamiento de bots, comportamiento tóxico y patadas irrazonables.
Tiene una gran cantidad de quejas de los jugadores y más de 15 advertencias de la Administración , que finalmente fueron ignoradas.

Ahora, con respecto al chat de voz, una vez más me gustaría recordarles que absolutamente todos los jugadores tienen la capacidad de silenciar individualmente a través del comando ! Sm
Sin embargo, si lo que le interesa es desactivar los chats del jugador, proporcione pruebas en forma de demostración, con repetidas violaciones de las reglas del chat.

Preveo mensajes en el formato: - " Este es Zayod, ¿qué prueba se necesita aquí? "
Inmediatamente les respondo y explico: son necesarios, porque sourcebans requiere evidencia real. Ninguna otra manera.
and so zayood retires from zozo.gg I only played to kick
Уведомляю, игрок Amaterasu [#] исключён из подсчёта статистики с полной деактивацией прав и привилегий ранга, в том числе прав и привилегий топ-40.
Право на кик перманентно отозвано.

С Октября 18-го года по Май 21-го, данный игрок получил, суммарно, 27 блокировок доступа к серверам, сроком от 10 минут до недели. Ссылка на баны [#]
Банился, преимущественно за раш, слив ботов, токсичное поведение, а также необоснованный кик.
Имеет обширное количество жалоб от игроков и более 15 предупреждений от Администрации, которые по итогу были проигнорированы.

Теперь, что касается войс-чата, в очередной раз хотелось бы напомнить, что у абсолютно каждого игрока имеется возможность индивидуального заглушения через команду !sm
Однако, если в ваших интересах имеется желание добиться деактивации чатов у игрока, то будьте добры предоставить доказательства в виде демо, с неоднократным нарушением правил чата.

Предвижу сообщения в формате: - "Это же Зайод, какие тут нужны доказательства?"
Сразу же отвечаю на них и объясняю — нужны, т.к. sourcebans требует наличия реальных доказательств. Иначе никак.
А за что исключен из статистики и топ 40?
Claps and applause. Couldn't expect less with the current messy system zozo is running on. This is actually the result of the random admins taking place, without getting rid of already the mistakes of the already existing admins. The statics seen in my profile reflects the fragile system the staff is altogether making, a total combination of how unprofessional they are and how easy they would ignore the roles themselves. I would easily sort out the statics seen in my profile, the most of which are the result of admins taking it personally and react due to their own nonsense considerations. Most of my rushes are totally justified and are a plan of the game, which many of the staff unfortunately don't get. The only admins that did get it are the ones that DO have admin glasses on, those are the real ones that do their job neutrally and smartly, definitely not the ones judging by their sick inner conflicts. Didn't even want to waste my time reporting them.

Kris you are a great example of how Estrogen messes up with females nervous system. u really seem to have some hasty issues in determining ur feelings of liking-disliking players
let me remind u of the reason of ur comment: me telling u yesterday not to hold the charger or imma be making a vote-kick against u
All what i wish you is to get more mentally stable by time.

a sample of a 14 years old girl who constantly get her emotions mixed. Zayood to her is a friend at a time, and a hater the other time XD. One day Masha will grow up and will be reading about Freud, i suppose.

What else samples do we have? YES, the kids overwhelming the server. All the votes i made on them recently had something to do with: draining pills, wasting moltoves, holding chargers and attacking rushers while the whole team is pulling back. the same kids voting F2 defending their own kid friends lel. and ya, the same ones making a noise complaining, and yup the unfortunate part is that their such complaints work in zozo!

What Zozo rather need to focus on is stopping the admins who: themselves swear in the server (both chatting and voice), ban a player getting (unintentionally) stuck somewhere is the simplest pictures that show how week the decisions are made, ban latinos and being racist to them just cuz they focus-attack on someone, and abuse their admin powers to protect their own network. And ofcourse not to forget, the recently happening mess, puting people who have serious personal issues as admins.

Well it was worthy to give it a try. Zozo could have been a nice place to have fun in everyday if it just got a healthier and more professional staff, but nah, it seems like the mess is just getting bigger and it's time to leave. Thx people for the cool time and salute to the ones who were mature enough to make that time fun to be spent.

Give me molotov , give me molotov, give me molotov and pills !
Should be gotten mic ban permanently. By the way, rush is the easiest thing at these servers. Especially with present med. transfers. He might consider himself as a hero, setting tanks on fire.
I would not be so sure if I were you ...

Zayoood, my gay friend, it was pleasure, thank you. You will be remembered!

My fucking christo, thx! Ur one of the dudes who exactly knows how ugly it becomes at some point here in zozo. Zozo needs u to stay within so they still be remember how messy it becomes between the admins, and maybe try to get the situation a little more classy.
Claps and applause. Couldn't expect less with the current messy system zozo is running on. This is actually the result of the random admins taking place, without getting rid of already the mistakes of the already existing admins. The statics seen in my profile reflects the fragile system the staff is altogether making, a total combination of how unprofessional they are and how easy they would ignore the roles themselves. I would easily sort out the statics seen in my profile, the most of which are the result of admins taking it personally and react due to their own nonsense considerations. Most of my rushes are totally justified and are a plan of the game, which many of the staff unfortunately don't get. The only admins that did get it are the ones that DO have admin glasses on, those are the real ones that do their job neutrally and smartly, definitely not the ones judging by their sick inner conflicts. Didn't even want to waste my time reporting them.

Kris you are a great example of how Estrogen messes up with females nervous system. u really seem to have some hasty issues in determining ur feelings of liking-disliking players
let me remind u of the reason of ur comment: me telling u yesterday not to hold the charger or imma be making a vote-kick against u
All what i wish you is to get more mentally stable by time.

a sample of a 14 years old girl who constantly get her emotions mixed. Zayood to her is a friend at a time, and a hater the other time XD. One day Masha will grow up and will be reading about Freud, i suppose.

What else samples do we have? YES, the kids overwhelming the server. All the votes i made on them recently had something to do with: draining pills, wasting moltoves, holding chargers and attacking rushers while the whole team is pulling back. the same kids voting F2 defending their own kid friends lel. and ya, the same ones making a noise complaining, and yup the unfortunate part is that their such complaints work in zozo!

What Zozo rather need to focus on is stopping the admins who: themselves swear in the server (both chatting and voice), ban a player getting (unintentionally) stuck somewhere is the simplest pictures that show how week the decisions are made, ban latinos and being racist to them just cuz they focus-attack on someone, and abuse their admin powers to protect their own network. And ofcourse not to forget, the recently happening mess, puting people who have serious personal issues as admins.

Well it was worthy to give it a try. Zozo could have been a nice place to have fun in everyday if it just got a healthier and more professional staff, but nah, it seems like the mess is just getting bigger and it's time to leave. Thx people for the cool time and salute to the ones who were mature enough to make that time fun to be spent.

Fuck off c: