Баны аддонов на серверах Left 4 Dead 2

За использование читерских аддонов на серверах Left 4 Dead 2 вы рискуете получить бан.

Какой именно бан?
В случае бана за читерские аддоны игроку дается бан на 3 месяца на подключение к серверам. Когда срок бана истечет, игрок сможет играть на серверах, но ему навсегда (перманентно) отключаются все аддоны на серверах, т.е. игрок получает бан всех аддонов. Это означает, что все аддоны игрока никогда не будут работать на серверах. Помимо банов, игрок лишается 50% очков в статистике и может быть исключён из системы подсчёта рангов, на усмотрение Администрации.

Какие есть основания для бана игрока?
1. Игрок размещает скриншоты, на которых видны используемые им читерские аддоны, или иным способом наглядно демонстрирует наличие у него читерских аддонов.
2. Во время нахождения на сервере игрок неоднократно отказывается предоставить скриншоты по просьбе других игроков, игнорирует просьбы или выходит с сервера. Перечисленные действия равнозначны отказу предоставить скриншот. Данное основание требует подтверждения демкой со стороны тех, кто просил предоставить скриншот.
3. На основании серверных логов, если имеются множественные случаи подозрительных убийств. Например, убийства в заблеве через стены.

Что считается читерским аддоном?
Любые аддоны (модификации), которые улучшают видимость зараженных, предметов, убирают заблевы, делают стены прозрачными, убирают растительность, звуки и иным образом дают преимущество над другими игроками. Даже если такие аддоны размещены в мастерской Steam, они все равно считаются читерскими, т.к. дают преимущество над другими игроками, среди которых, как нам известно, имеются: антизаблёв, неоновые скины на оружие, различные светящиеся элементы на предметах, яркие модели / одежда на Особых Заражённых, приглушение звуков стрельбы у оружия и так далее (список будет дополняться и обновляться).

Конкретные примеры

Вопрос: Белый охотник является читерским аддоном?
Ответ: Да, это читерский аддон, который улучшает видимость зараженного и дает преимущество над другими игроками.

Вопрос: Светящиеся в темноте медикаменты и оружие - это читерские аддоны?
Ответ: Да, эти аддоны читерские, т.к. улучшают видимость предметов и дают преимущество над другими игроками.

Вопрос: Голые Рошель и Эллис являются читерскими аддонами?
Ответ: Нет, такие аддоны добавляют разнообразия в игру и не дают преимущества над другими игроками.
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Zona is one of the best players in the l4d2 community, I think the punishment should not be so harsh for such a small mistake, glowing meds and weapons do not provide any advantage, I think many will agree, Spumer, I urge you to reconsider your decision - 50% points and disabling his addons seems like a fair punishment, please don't disable his rank, yes, I know that players were previously banned for the same reason and I think they should get their ranks back too.

Rules can be changed.

best player of l4slides he deserve their rank
La prohibición está completa y 100% justificada por usted personalmente, cuando ingresó al servidor con máscaras brillantes para medicamentos y armas, luego lo grabó en video y lo publicó al público. Buen trabajo. Así lo haría todo el mundo. Es imposible encontrar evidencia más clara del uso de complementos prohibidos.

Hay un hecho de usar complementos prohibidos. Hay un baño.

La decisión sobre la prohibición no será revisada. Se eliminarán más inundaciones.

Посмотреть вложение 9291
Estética prohibida después de 12 días. En el momento de la prohibición, probablemente apagó todo, por lo que la prohibición tampoco es razonable.
no escuchas a los jugadores, creo que hacen lo contrario de lo que haría una administración que escucha a su comunidad, eso de borrar opiniones es arbitrario, todos merecen una segunda oportunidad, sabes que hay algo que se llama empatía, si estabas en los zapatos de un a quién le estás disparando eso es

Administration: Please use English for communication on the Forum.
no escuchas a los jugadores, creo que hacen lo contrario de lo que haría una administración que escucha a su comunidad, eso de borrar opiniones es arbitrario, todos merecen una segunda oportunidad, sabes que hay algo que se llama empatía, si estabas en los zapatos de un a quien le estas disparando eso es
Maxis | BAN | HLX | STEAM | STEAM_1:0:455609688
Светящиеся скины на зараженных и оружие.

Отключение аддонов на всех серверах. Бан на подключение к серверам на 3 месяца.
Исключение из подсчета рангов. Лишение 50% очков в статистике.


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Я так понимаю, забанили за скин авика. Помянем, че. Не буду ныть или оправдываться, просто отмечу лишь тот факт, что авик я почти не использовал с момента подписки на аддон. Делаем выводы)


  • Снимок экрана (16).png
    Снимок экрана (16).png
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Я так понимаю, забанили за скин авика. Помянем, че. Не буду ныть или оправдываться, просто отмечу лишь тот факт, что авик я почти не использовал с момента подписки на аддон. Делаем выводы)
Есть ещё аддон на радугу за зараженным. И другие незначительно улучшающие видимость.
Maxis | BAN | HLX | STEAM | STEAM_1:0:455609688
Светящиеся скины на зараженных и оружие.

Отключение аддонов на всех серверах. Бан на подключение к серверам на 3 месяца.
Исключение из подсчета рангов. Лишение 50% очков в статистике.
Зарегистрирована попытка обхода бана. Бан продлен на 1 месяц.
Аккаунт с которого был обход забанен перманентно. Повторные попытки будут приводить к ещё большему продлению бана, вплоть до перманента
Зарегистрирована попытка обхода бана. Бан продлен на 1 месяц.
Аккаунт с которого был обход забанен перманентно. Повторные попытки будут приводить к ещё большему продлению бана, вплоть до перманента
Зарегистрирована попытка обхода бана. Бан продлен на 1 месяц.
Аккаунт с которого был обход забанен перманентно. Повторные попытки будут приводить к ещё большему продлению бана, вплоть до перманента
а на каких основаниях-то?
Я лишь вип оплатил другу или оплата випа теперь тоже наказывается, если ты забанен?
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KissKiss* | BAN | HLX | STEAM | STEAM_1:0:781344519
Удаление растительности.

Отключение аддонов на всех серверах. Бан на подключение к серверам на 3 месяца.
Исключение из подсчета рангов. Лишение 50% очков в статистике.

тут нечего не понел у него нет скинов или антизавлев там видно чела 30-40 фпс мусорный пк он поставил минимум пов и минимум графика
PaoloZ (eXpirat) | BAN | HLX | STEAM | STEAM_1:1:57898723
Подсветка оружия. Демаскировка особых заражённых — спорный вопрос.
По изменению вида особых заражённых тяжело сказать. На мой взгляд, видимость стала только хуже на фоне простых мобов.
Однако, ввиду изменённой геометрии тел, отслеживание одиночных целей видится упрощённым.

Более всего, меня беспокоит формулировка на 2.11 — "I am testing addons everyday". Взяв во внимание уже отловленный аддон на светящееся оружие, не будет лишним предположить, что в числе ежедневно "проверяемых" аддонов может найтись и что-то из того, что к использованию запрещено.

Отключение аддонов на всех серверах. Бан на подключение к серверам на 3 месяца.
Исключение из подсчета рангов. Лишение 50% очков в статистике.



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Hello. I don't know if this is the right place to report this but... Just 1 hour ago the top 1 player Emzy deliberately banned me from the servers for 1 week. The motive, apparently, is due to the use of wallhacks, but that is nothing more than an absurd and almost unjustified suspicion. Currently I am perhaps one of the most active players in Zozo and I think all this is an abuse of authority. especially coming from the top 1. Top 1!

Probable context. We were playing Crash Course, Chapter 2. almost in the middle of the round. 2 or 3 smokers were attacking us from an area, I was already clear about where they were both because of the above and because of the sound they emit so I looked for them, waited for them and killed them, this perhaps aroused a suspicion on the part of Emzy but I play with the volume of the left 4 dead high and the sound that the smokers emit is loud enough to assume their location

It was probably something else, but after this. The player Emzy suddenly started typing in the Ghost chat! Take screen shots. I was just playing around and when he said this it just seemed weird, weird. I must clarify that before this, Emzy did not tell me anything, he did not warn me or try to dialogue with me, perhaps telling me something about the alleged wallhacks that according to him I use.

After this, he continued telling me to take screenshots, I still didn't know why he was going to ban me from the servers, he didn't say anything to me at all. I just played as usual and out of nowhere. The game took me off the server and I saw that I had been banned. I should add that they were losing the game, I don't know if it's because of this, but it's
possible that the anger of losing because of the novice players led Emzy to take it out on someone. But why with me? >; c

The text is already too long but I must say something else, I have only had a couple of bans, all justified except this one. And to think that a player who doesn't go beyond an average of 10 kills can be using Wallhacks, is the stupidest thing to do. In that game, Bohdi had nearly 40 kills. But no. The guy who has 12 kills, he uses wallhacks. .__. Finally. If the player emzy. Or somebody, prove that I use some kind of hacks. He compensated that player with $100.

Ok. 22cm. or some other administrator. I hope your answer is the right one. And I didn't go beyond a warning to both myself and the player Emzy. Especially for Emzy, as he doesn't have any proof that he uses hacks. More than an absurd suspicion (I must clarify that I DO NOT USE HACKS since the previous frase seems to indicate that I do xd)


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    Captura de pantalla 2024-03-12 055907.png
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Hello. I don't know if this is the right place to report this but... Just 1 hour ago the top 1 player Emzy deliberately banned me from the servers for 1 week. The motive, apparently, is due to the use of wallhacks, but that is nothing more than an absurd and almost unjustified suspicion. Currently I am perhaps one of the most active players in Zozo and I think all this is an abuse of authority. especially coming from the top 1. Top 1!

Probable context. We were playing Crash Course, Chapter 2. almost in the middle of the round. 2 or 3 smokers were attacking us from an area, I was already clear about where they were both because of the above and because of the sound they emit so I looked for them, waited for them and killed them, this perhaps aroused a suspicion on the part of Emzy but I play with the volume of the left 4 dead high and the sound that the smokers emit is loud enough to assume their location

It was probably something else, but after this. The player Emzy suddenly started typing in the Ghost chat! Take screen shots. I was just playing around and when he said this it just seemed weird, weird. I must clarify that before this, Emzy did not tell me anything, he did not warn me or try to dialogue with me, perhaps telling me something about the alleged wallhacks that according to him I use.

After this, he continued telling me to take screenshots, I still didn't know why he was going to ban me from the servers, he didn't say anything to me at all. I just played as usual and out of nowhere. The game took me off the server and I saw that I had been banned. I should add that they were losing the game, I don't know if it's because of this, but it's
possible that the anger of losing because of the novice players led Emzy to take it out on someone. But why with me? >; c

The text is already too long but I must say something else, I have only had a couple of bans, all justified except this one. And to think that a player who doesn't go beyond an average of 10 kills can be using Wallhacks, is the stupidest thing to do. In that game, Bohdi had nearly 40 kills. But no. The guy who has 12 kills, he uses wallhacks. .__. Finally. If the player emzy. Or somebody, prove that I use some kind of hacks. He compensated that player with $100.

Ok. 22cm. or some other administrator. I hope your answer is the right one. And I didn't go beyond a warning to both myself and the player Emzy. Especially for Emzy, as he doesn't have any proof that he uses hacks. More than an absurd suspicion (I must clarify that I DO NOT USE HACKS since the previous frase seems to indicate that I do xd)
Пункт 1.3 действующих правил игры на портале Zombie Zone гласит:
1.3. Любой игрок может потребовать скриншот и / или демо-запись у других игроков. Отказ предоставить скриншоты / демо будет принят во внимание Администрацией и в некоторых случаях может привести к игровому бану без необходимости в каких-либо иных доказательствах.
Ознакомься , чтоли , для общего развития
It was probably something else, but after this. The player Emzy suddenly started typing in the Ghost chat! Take screen shots. I was just playing around and when he said this it just seemed weird, weird. I must clarify that before this, Emzy did not tell me anything, he did not warn me or try to dialogue with me, perhaps telling me something about the alleged wallhacks that according to him I use.

After this, he continued telling me to take screenshots, I still didn't know why he was going to ban me from the servers, he didn't say anything to me at all. I just played as usual and out of nowhere. The game took me off the server and I saw that I had been banned. I should add that they were losing the game, I don't know if it's because of this, but it's
possible that the anger of losing because of the novice players led Emzy to take it out on someone. But why with me? >; c
The ZOZO system should actually recognize a wallhack automatically, it doesn't need another player to ban you.
Apparently every server has its own problems, I've been playing on a ZOZO server for about 8 weeks, of which the team and I have been continuously killed by the same player for a good 7 weeks, and I'm always asked for a demo or screenshots, even though one ZOZO presenter idly watches for hours as this player kills the team.
Hello. I don't know if this is the right place to report this but... Just 1 hour ago the top 1 player Emzy deliberately banned me from the servers for 1 week. The motive, apparently, is due to the use of wallhacks, but that is nothing more than an absurd and almost unjustified suspicion. Currently I am perhaps one of the most active players in Zozo and I think all this is an abuse of authority. especially coming from the top 1. Top 1!

Probable context. We were playing Crash Course, Chapter 2. almost in the middle of the round. 2 or 3 smokers were attacking us from an area, I was already clear about where they were both because of the above and because of the sound they emit so I looked for them, waited for them and killed them, this perhaps aroused a suspicion on the part of Emzy but I play with the volume of the left 4 dead high and the sound that the smokers emit is loud enough to assume their location

It was probably something else, but after this. The player Emzy suddenly started typing in the Ghost chat! Take screen shots. I was just playing around and when he said this it just seemed weird, weird. I must clarify that before this, Emzy did not tell me anything, he did not warn me or try to dialogue with me, perhaps telling me something about the alleged wallhacks that according to him I use.

After this, he continued telling me to take screenshots, I still didn't know why he was going to ban me from the servers, he didn't say anything to me at all. I just played as usual and out of nowhere. The game took me off the server and I saw that I had been banned. I should add that they were losing the game, I don't know if it's because of this, but it's
possible that the anger of losing because of the novice players led Emzy to take it out on someone. But why with me? >; c

The text is already too long but I must say something else, I have only had a couple of bans, all justified except this one. And to think that a player who doesn't go beyond an average of 10 kills can be using Wallhacks, is the stupidest thing to do. In that game, Bohdi had nearly 40 kills. But no. The guy who has 12 kills, he uses wallhacks. .__. Finally. If the player emzy. Or somebody, prove that I use some kind of hacks. He compensated that player with $100.

Ok. 22cm. or some other administrator. I hope your answer is the right one. And I didn't go beyond a warning to both myself and the player Emzy. Especially for Emzy, as he doesn't have any proof that he uses hacks. More than an absurd suspicion (I must clarify that I DO NOT USE HACKS since the previous frase seems to indicate that I do xd)
В следующий раз начни записывать демки, меньше проблемы будет
Пункт 1.3 действующих правил игры на портале Zombie Zone гласит:
1.3. Любой игрок может потребовать скриншот и / или демо-запись у других игроков. Отказ предоставить скриншоты / демо будет принят во внимание Администрацией и в некоторых случаях может привести к игровому бану без необходимости в каких-либо иных доказательствах.
Ознакомься , чтоли , для общего развития
Yes, in fact, I'm already trying to communicate with the player Emzy. but since he blocked me from the servers without giving me at least a prior warning. I doubt you'll agree to talk to me and explain why you think I use Wallhacks. as well as giving me the non-existent evidence that he allegedly used them

By the way, do you know how I can access chat logs?


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The ZOZO system should actually recognize a wallhack automatically, it doesn't need another player to ban you.
Apparently every server has its own problems, I've been playing on a ZOZO server for about 8 weeks, of which the team and I have been continuously killed by the same player for a good 7 weeks, and I'm always asked for a demo or screenshots, even though one ZOZO presenter idly watches for hours as this player kills the team.
I thought about that too. Both Steam and the game's system are supposed to be designed to detect any kind of piracy. And in the months I've been playing zozo, this is the first time something or someone has accused me of using hacks. And you don't think that after the third encounter with a problem player, maybe you should record or take some screenshots. Why wait until the sixth time?
В следующий раз начни записывать демки, меньше проблемы будет
Like I said, it happened out of nowhere. And while recording is an option, you never know when you're going to get voted on or things like this are going to happen.
I mean, there wasn't even an accusation like that.

Ghost! Do you think no one notices? or something like that.

He didn't say anything to me. Not even when I tried to talk to him and see what he wanted, in fact I even bothered to respond to him in the midst of the constant attacks of the infected. Bohdi is a witness
Como dije, sucedió de la nada. Y si bien grabar es una opción, nunca se sabe cuándo te votarán o si sucederán cosas como esta.
Quiero decir, ni siquiera hubo una acusación como esa.

¡Fantasma! ¿Crees que nadie se da cuenta? o algo así.

No me dijo nada. Ni siquiera cuando intenté hablar con él y ver qué quería, de hecho incluso me molesté en responderle en medio de los constantes ataques de los infectados. Bohdi es un testigo
bueno en si grabar una demo de steam es sencillo y el archivo no pesa mucho un tuto

Es archivo queda grabado en las carpetas del juego y se puede grabar con otra capturadora hay mas tutos pero es cosa de entender lo básico