Жалобы на игроков

Ese un top pendejito ban para que aprenda

Buena cazador de hackers
350k no es top aun es 673,821 el tope ahora el speed hack es facil de detectar aimbot igual pero algunos disimulan ya si hace eso es que quiere ban el riesgo de no reportarlos es que cuando usan jokey o charger la consola banea al jugador que atrapan eso es lo que realmente jode ese hack
Player 12 fue grabado en varias ocasiones usando aimbot en diferentes BlodFactory sin ningún remordimiento al saber que estaba grabado pero en la primera grabación hubo alguien que lo defendió y no me dejó grabarlo, me arrepiento de haber enviado así el demo.

1 - https://mega.nz/file/ADl2CBYT#WfnKf8XRgYXcFiByAuq7rdEk3SshVx1q9PCDcScau1M
2 - https://mega.nz/file/ROcQ1JCR#Zko3gKemrFN0hpeVT5-MHbSal0tRXWCOBgBClTznxSk

hack player

Администрация: Рассмотрено.

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Уважаемая администрация прошу принять меры в отношении следующего неуравновешенного игрока The_baltazarTV за необоснованный тимкилл на сервере

Ссылка на его профиль:

прикрепляю ссылку на облако с демо:

name Jari Arg.Click^^

hlx https://stats.zozo.gg/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=3098236


context, the player about whom I complained on several occasions, I have already suspected in the last conversation, I requested a screenshot and the last instance a demo, he himself does not respond at the moment the administrator emzy enters and immediately jumps to another server, server 2 BLOOD FACTORY (ZOZO.GG | BLOOD FACTORY #2 (EKB)) goes to the BLOOD FACTORY (ZOZO.GG | BLOOD FACTORY #1 (EKB)) this according to the rules:

1.3. Any player can request a screenshot and/or demo from other players. Failure to provide screenshots/demos will be taken into account by Administration and in some cases may result in a ban from the game without the need for any other evidence;

I recorded a demo but it was deleted since when I hopped to another server I used the same name and it was rewritten I only have the chats where I made the request




五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)(Team) 1.3. Cualquier jugador puede solicitar una captura de pantalla y/o una demostración de otros jugadores. La Administración tendr

2024-04-06 05:08:57五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)safa cuando llega el eh
2024-04-06 05:08:48andrexgustavque hacen atrás?
2024-04-06 05:08:43andrexgustaveste team tarda en venir
2024-04-06 05:08:36(1)PaoloXrematen tanks
2024-04-06 05:08:29TutancamonTank masofia
2024-04-06 05:08:24五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)jum
2024-04-06 05:07:51andrexgustavla cagas
2024-04-06 05:07:47andrexgustavpa que te vas solo
2024-04-06 05:07:42andrexgustavpaolox ptmr
2024-04-06 05:07:35andrexgustavsomos 3 nomás
2024-04-06 05:07:22andrexgustavpero no me dejen
2024-04-06 05:06:43五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)manda captura
2024-04-06 05:06:29五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)suficiente
2024-04-06 05:06:08andrexgustavatrás
2024-04-06 05:06:07五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)rietepues
2024-04-06 05:05:59andrexgustavayudaa
2024-04-06 05:05:59Jarifelicidades campeon
2024-04-06 05:05:52五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)y estas en mi black list
2024-04-06 05:05:45五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)ye he hecho banear a varios
2024-04-06 05:05:20五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)garka
2024-04-06 05:05:18五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)sospecho hace rato de vos
2024-04-06 05:05:13Jarihace lo que quieras sos malaso se nota
2024-04-06 05:05:03五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)te voya sacar demo
2024-04-06 05:04:58Jarisacate el rosa se re ve
2024-04-06 05:04:51五七五MRKurimurin(⌒ ⌒)deja los chetos narge
Godspeed: https://stats.zozo.gg/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=2087838

server: Extreme Coop


video from the 15th when he still used his own name:


Subject: Possible username abuse on the server

Dear Server Administration Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you regarding a situation that has been bothering me recently and that I would like you to analyze to determine if it constitutes a violation of the server rules.

Recently, I've noticed that a player with the username "Godspeed" has started using my username, "Half Life 3", in-game. While I understand that the use of other players' names is not explicitly prohibited, I have reason to believe that this player may be using my in-game identity for the purpose of creating conflict or undermining my reputation among other players. Otherwise there would be no need to do such an act.

I have used the username "Half Life 3" in the game Left 4 Dead 2 since 2021, and over time I have established a positive reputation and built relationships with other players who recognize me by this name. However, the recent adoption of my username by "Godspeed" worries me, as I fear that he may try to take advantage of my reputation and create confusion or conflict between me and other players.

Although I have no concrete evidence that "Godspeed" is violating the server rules, his actions cause me concern and make me feel uncomfortable. I have warned my friends of different languages about the situation, but I recognize that not all players are aware of this issue.

Attached to this message, you will find a comparison of points that demonstrates my continued use of the username "Half Life 3" over time, as well as videos of my gameplay that can serve as a reference to better understand the situation. In one of the videos you can see that "Godspeed" used another username before adopting mine at minute 34:45, the day before using my name.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could review this situation and determine if "Godspeed"'s actions constitute a violation of the server rules. Although there has not been any explicitly harmful behavior from this player so far, I believe it is important to address this issue before the situation worsens.

I look forward to his response and thank you in advance for your attention and consideration.

[Half Life 3]


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на данный момент, он взял мой ник Zloy Enot, а так он VipVLADDD или МИЛЛИОНЕР30.
Прошу помочь, какой то ... (человек) взял мой ник, оскорбляет меня и других людей на серверах от моего имени.
Сегодня зашла на сервер, один игрок спросил меня "Отошла ли я от вчерашнего", я не поняла ничего, в общем он сказал ,что кто то под моим ником писал всякую чушь. Позже, игрок, который играет под моим именем, зашел на сервер, где играла я. В ходе разговора, он написал (копирую его текст) "а прикинь как я с таким ником каких дел могу натворить.".
Я решила проверить, что же писал он там такого от моего ника... Ну немножечко я конечно офигела)
Скрины прилагаю. (Пока писала данный текст, он переименовался).

Администрация: Рассмотрено.
Вечер Добрый Всем)
Решил навестить любимый серв, да чат глянуть, может кого знакомого замечу...
А увидел это. Думаю, модерация поймёт, что делать в данной ситуации.
Сберегите Даме нервы)