Пусть Говорят: Понятные темы на Испанском (нет), о которых невозможно молчать (но это не точно)

1) Dude, it seems that you will soon drown in your own lies. The more you write, the worse it is for you.

Are you must to control players on a public server? Who told you about this? Is your desire to assert yourself using threats of kicks and insults towards me? Well, then I understand it.

Are you denying that you called me toxic? Okay, Im attaching a screenshot with number 1 of you. In addition, you promised to write a complaint against me (I also attach screenshots 2,3,4 of this fact). Now you are saying that you have no evidence xDDD. You did not write your version of how everything happened on c1m2subway, and you didnt post the promised report. Im still waiting for at least your verbal version of how it all happened. All your arguments against me are that I had 45 frags for all map (and that was in words). In the game chat you wrote that I had 50 frags, but now I have 45 (screenshots 5 and 6 attached). Your incompetence again? Well, lets skip this moment, maybe the human factor. Btw tell us, is using the word “idiot” your way of players controlling?

In conclusion of this point, I can say that you are just a wannabe who has gained a lot of points in a dishonest way (This allows you to behave arrogantly towards the players threaten them with kick and insult them. Well, In addition, everybody understands perfectly that you are very far from the image of a strong player, you can chill out). You are not player with inappropriate behavior only, you are also a blatant liar. In your first 7 sentences you LIEED about me TWICE (denial of calling me a toxic, baseless assertion that I ruined the game for ppl on c1m2subway, well, actually the absence of the promised complaint. This guy didnt even bother write exactly how I ruined the game, at least verbally. The fact that I stood outside the saferoom and covered the lasts mates does not mean anything). This makes people think about the value of your words.

2) Okay, lets check you report against fadeaway&pochi . Your video clearly shows that we are not standing for one place and are moving towards saferoom. We slightly slowed at the end because the respawn space opened up. Accordingly due to the opened space for the infected, attack began on us. We are in vomiting, commons surrounded and blocked us, and on top of this we are under attack from special infected that fly out on us using rocketspawns. While in vomiting, I cant see where my mates are, I also cant see what happening around me, Im disoriented. Explain me how, we were supposed to move in this state? It is obvious that the chargers (which are even visible in your video) will try to drop us. To prevent this, you need to move as far away as possible, kill mobs and all special infected. In other words, repel attack. Even if there were no mobs that prevented us from physically moving and blocked us, but only a crowd of special infections that rocket spawned behind us, it would be very stupid to ignore this and just go for +w in saferoom (seems probably only you would do that and in a few seconds would have dropped by a charger). Idk why I explain this to “god” of zozo. You are a strong player who controls your teammates, so you must understand this. But if you saw farming here, it tells us the opposite.

I also wanna mark that your video shows that you are again standing afk, inactive. But now in spawn mode, not in cooldown mode with the spitter/smoker xD. Instead of your texting, you could help your teammates with boomer, or jockey, or try to charge someone.

At the end of this point, I came to the conclusion that your video does not carry any meaning in terms of players farming. Your video only shows that you are again trolling the game for your teammates. Instead of attacking the survivors and helping your team, you just stand afk and write useless and provocative (threat of reporting) messages in the chat.

3) Regarding the smoker and the spitter. I already wrote to you that in this way you are ruining games by giving a godframe to the survivors and are actually inactive on the map for the sake of your statistics. Idk about the others, but personally I dont care if two points are taken away from me. Rather, I will just say thank you for the free godframe, under which I can easily repel an attack.
I didnt tell you anything about open spaces. You have come up with something again and are trying to move away from the topic of your farming. The spitter can be used to temporarily block a survivors path. The spitter is very useful in the narrow corridors that survivors must go through to get the elevator in the c1m4atrium (again, why am I explaining this to a “strong” player?). But as you can see from your logs, if you are in a team, your teammates are deprived of the opportunity to use this method of holding survivors because of your selfishness.

You can open your eyes, turn on your brain and reread my second point in my first message. Im not gonna tell you something twice. You are simply hiding your farming with some stupid excuses - covering under “tactics”. And in general, if a person seriously considers this a tactic, I think he should not play competitive online games. Maybe casual games like minecraft will be better.

4) IN CONCLUSION of all this message, I wanna highlight the most important things. This man, as I showed above in this message, loves to blatantly lie (and a lot - in just ONE message about me he LIED TWICE) and carping players. You must pay attention on this fact when you read his bullshit, especially admins. In addition, it seems that he imagined himself as the strongest zozo player, having in his statistics fairly big amount of points (Which, as we have seen, were obtained in a dishonest way) and, as a result, the rights for kick. This, in his opinion, gives him a number of privileges. Namely, point out to the players, and, even worse, behave arrogantly towards them - threaten to kick them or rly abusing kick rights and insult them ofc. This person wants to appear harmless on the forum in the admins eyes, but his actions in the game betray his image as a victim. He also tries to hide his farming under some "tactics", but he didnt thought out excuse enough good. Well, maybe he did not try to think at all. His excusses are completely stupid, especially for a player with 2k hours on account.

Why do you think there is an administration? If a player refuses to enter the dugout, why wouldn't he initiate a kick?
I do not deny it. I just said I didn't remember. We're sorry, but not all of us have the ability to retain information for that long. much less remember what we said 1 month ago.
No, not at all, I never alluded to that and you know it. but you seem to twist my words for your convenience.
And I clarify, I preferred to ignore your case not only because, as you say, I had no evidence. If not, because he didn't feel like getting into confrontations with other players, especially after the sanction.
And what is the honest way to earn points? Extend the duration of the rounds to make more kills?
You don't need to say it, I myself clarify that I am far from being good at playing left 4 dead 2.
bro, have you ever checked the game's global chat? Maybe it's because of the language but there are worse players than me.
If he reported that Zozo broke the rules, he would not be able to enter the game and play calmly. Have you thought about that? Thank you because I did not file the corresponding complaint.

2. There are many points I want to mention but this will be longer and I am tired of writing so much. so...

Can't see your teammates but can see which direction the shelter and bullets are pointing? Explain to me how is that possible?

The video clearly shows how the chargers are repelled without any problem by you and others. Were you really worried about getting shot down?

Were you really disoriented?
second 00.24
They vomited on you and without any problem you ran to the shelter.
At that moment you completely forgot that it was very stupid to move without being careful?

3. For this point I will upload a normal video where I do not use the spitter and I have no control of the tank and we lose masterfully. You will be the first to see it.

4. Should I really apologize again for not having a good memory?
What made you think that I imagine myself as the strongest Zozo player? It is quite clear that this is not the case.

So using the spitter to ensure control of the tank and a possible victory for my team isn't a tactic? The points involved are another topic to discuss.
Right after the boomer vomits on you, you run to the shelter to apparently take more bullets. And the way you moved, you didn't seem very disoriented and much less careful when moving, you were literally running in a straight line towards the shelter. You would think that to get to a safe place but NO, you took bullets and got out you will most likely continue to accumulate points.

00.30 both you and Pochi are less than 2 meters from the shelter but you are in no hurry to enter.
Then the acid from the grill blocks their way. It seems like they want to avoid damage and possible falls, who doesn't? But but..

00:39 The acid in the saliva disappears and they have a clear entrance. There are no boomers, much less a horde of common infected.
but a jocker that you see and wait for him to approach to try to kill him. the smoker catches you, you free yourself and immediately run to kill the joker that you couldn't kill before
00.49. They have a clear entrance, listen to the infected and wait for them to attack and kill them.
Pochi kills PC1 and you kill the shitty joker.

00.53. Once again they have a clear path to enter, but they stand still waiting to be attacked.

Pochi enters the shelter and they leave the door open for you to enter. However, you stay next to the door to continue racking up kills. You can't kill the wild card and it seems that as soon as you saw my mention of "enter" or "reporto" you wanted to enter...
coincidence? I don't believe it.

In fact, from minute 00:23 it seems that they do nothing more than lengthen the duration of the game, giving the enemy time to continue attacking, especially after the spitter. You are meters from the shelter, in that situation one more fall is not something that matters.

If the administration wants it, I will upload the video from Fadeaway's angle where you can see perfectly how he enters the shelter for more bullets, of course, if not, how can he continue farming?
It looks like you have chosen the path to continue writing your nonsense and thereby sink even further to the bottom. Well, okay, this only benefits the players who complain about you.

1) Timecode 0:22 Idk where you saw me go into the saferoom and take ammo, haha. Maybe you have vision problems or are you just blatantly lying again? It seems like the second option. You only attached a screenshot that was taken at unclear moment. And then your screenshot shows that at least two survivors are outside the saferoom. Ofc I will take ammo and come back to cover the last ones.

2) 0:30. Well, the acid has gone. But besides her, we can see how special infected attack us. Later, I was completely grabbed by a smoker. Do you suggest me going into the safe room in this state? Im sorry, but Im not such god of the game as you - moving on map when smoker grabbed me.

3) 0:39. The charger approaches to pochi, apparently to drop him. Are you suggesting that I need to ignore my teammate and not shooting at the charger, thereby preventing the charger from dropping him? Btw u can see there a jockey, who also ran close to pochi.

4) 0:49. It is clearly visible that as soon as I was convinced that all mates were inside, I also went forward, which is why the jockey grabbed me. Well, then my teammates killed this jockey and I entered inside.

5) 0:53. Idk where you saw me standing on one place. Your video perfectly shows me going to the safe room. I even turn my back to those places where infected could potentially spawn lmao. Probably only our zozo god is capable of killing by his back xDDD.

6) 0:59. Dude, the round is completely over here xDD. How can I do anything during scoring and changing sides process, hahaha.

In total we have 3 moments (0:22, 0:53,0:59) where your text absolutely does not correspond to your video. You once again confirmed your deceitful side. Well, either the fact that you have certain issues, presumably with your head. Others 3 points are simply insignificant. I explained everything to you, idk why our strong player couldnt figure it out himself. This looks more like your another attempt to carping, which only confirms the players arguments for your inappropriate behavior.

Continue to writing your bullshit.
Why do you think there is an administration? If a player refuses to enter the dugout, why wouldn't he initiate a kick?
I do not deny it. I just said I didn't remember. We're sorry, but not all of us have the ability to retain information for that long. much less remember what we said 1 month ago.
No, not at all, I never alluded to that and you know it. but you seem to twist my words for your convenience.
And I clarify, I preferred to ignore your case not only because, as you say, I had no evidence. If not, because he didn't feel like getting into confrontations with other players, especially after the sanction.
And what is the honest way to earn points? Extend the duration of the rounds to make more kills?
You don't need to say it, I myself clarify that I am far from being good at playing left 4 dead 2.
bro, have you ever checked the game's global chat? Maybe it's because of the language but there are worse players than me.
If he reported that Zozo broke the rules, he would not be able to enter the game and play calmly. Have you thought about that? Thank you because I did not file the corresponding complaint.

2. There are many points I want to mention but this will be longer and I am tired of writing so much. so...

Can't see your teammates but can see which direction the shelter and bullets are pointing? Explain to me how is that possible?

The video clearly shows how the chargers are repelled without any problem by you and others. Were you really worried about getting shot down?

Were you really disoriented?
second 00.24
They vomited on you and without any problem you ran to the shelter.
At that moment you completely forgot that it was very stupid to move without being careful?

3. For this point I will upload a normal video where I do not use the spitter and I have no control of the tank and we lose masterfully. You will be the first to see it.

4. Should I really apologize again for not having a good memory?
What made you think that I imagine myself as the strongest Zozo player? It is quite clear that this is not the case.

So using the spitter to ensure control of the tank and a possible victory for my team isn't a tactic? The points involved are another topic to discuss.
1) Man, it was you who started the discussion of the c8m2subway map, not me. You may even notice that I started writing something about you only after your lies about me. Because I cant watch you blatantly lie about me, as well as about other players. Im telling you again, only YOU were in the saferoom from the entire team. Why do you call me farming idiot from the whole team and you wanna kick only me?

I have attached screenshots where you were planning to write complaint against me several times. Moreover, in one of your past messages you said without evidence that I was farming then (screenshot 1). NOW YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DISCUSS THIS AND YOU WANT TO FORGET THIS MOMENT. Where did your ardor with which you wanted to write a complaint against me go, where did your accusation of my farming? I would like to pay your attention to the fact that you also did not write your full version of what was happening, as I asked you. It turns out you just lied me and you are gonna forget it? These make people think about your meanness and idle talk.

2) If you dont remember something exactly, why are you talking about it? You obviously know that your words can somehow set up, but nevertheless you allowed yourself to write something. I see players here who write only what they are sure of, except for you, ofc. This only confirms the fact that your words mean nothing and you are just ordinary idle talker. And this also does not relieve you of responsibility for your unsuccessful attempt at deception.

3) You wrote that as a person with a high rank on the server, you must control the players. Obviously, the most experienced member of the team should control the players. I concluded that you imagine yourself to be strongest player.
Now you write that you are far from the ideal of a strong player. So why do you allow yourself to calling players with, especially with trashtalk? Somehow, nothing logically fits here. It seems you want to go back on your words again.

4) Man, I rly dont care about your videos with tactics of your smoker playing or anyone, just like everyone else. I already told you that you are trolling the game in this way. Other players also told you that playing like you is prohibited by the rules. But you dont seem to care.

So, we have a person who can afford to write arguments that he is not even sure of. If anything, he will refer to his bad memory. Also, as we can see, this person retracted his words several times. I also showed several times where you are blatantly lying, confirming my words with evidence. Well, since you are so irresponsible, I think that your every message in this topic can be questioned. Maybe suddenly you had lapses in memory, or you even something dreamed to you? Who knows? You are also not gonna listen other players, gradually your nonsence. You tried several times to avoid the topic, or to cover yourself for the violations of other players. This shows your desire to evade from responsibility. We are talking about you at this moment, not about others.

This is also my last message. Idk how can talk with shifty person who can easily go back on his words. Over the past two days, you still have not described your chronology of events on the c8m2subway map (actually, because of which I started this discussion with you), you have not provided a single piece of evidence for your words. At the same time, you wrote a bunch of messages here. You just decided to avoid this topic


  • 1.png
    76,8 КБ · Просмотров: 97
It looks like you have chosen the path to continue writing your nonsense and thereby sink even further to the bottom. Well, okay, this only benefits the players who complain about you.

1) Timecode 0:22 Idk where you saw me go into the saferoom and take ammo, haha. Maybe you have vision problems or are you just blatantly lying again? It seems like the second option. You only attached a screenshot that was taken at unclear moment. And then your screenshot shows that at least two survivors are outside the saferoom. Ofc I will take ammo and come back to cover the last ones.

2) 0:30. Well, the acid has gone. But besides her, we can see how special infected attack us. Later, I was completely grabbed by a smoker. Do you suggest me going into the safe room in this state? Im sorry, but Im not such god of the game as you - moving on map when smoker grabbed me.

3) 0:39. The charger approaches to pochi, apparently to drop him. Are you suggesting that I need to ignore my teammate and not shooting at the charger, thereby preventing the charger from dropping him? Btw u can see there a jockey, who also ran close to pochi.

4) 0:49. It is clearly visible that as soon as I was convinced that all mates were inside, I also went forward, which is why the jockey grabbed me. Well, then my teammates killed this jockey and I entered inside.

5) 0:53. Idk where you saw me standing on one place. Your video perfectly shows me going to the safe room. I even turn my back to those places where infected could potentially spawn lmao. Probably only our zozo god is capable of killing by his back xDDD.

6) 0:59. Dude, the round is completely over here xDD. How can I do anything during scoring and changing sides process, hahaha.

In total we have 3 moments (0:22, 0:53,0:59) where your text absolutely does not correspond to your video. You once again confirmed your deceitful side. Well, either the fact that you have certain issues, presumably with your head. Others 3 points are simply insignificant. I explained everything to you, idk why our strong player couldnt figure it out himself. This looks more like your another attempt to carping, which only confirms the players arguments for your inappropriate behavior.

Continue to writing your bullshit.
Sorry for my mistake, take into account the original video to write the text instead of the one I uploaded to you tube. The original video is longer and the YouTube video is slightly cropped.
I would like to edit the original message but it is impossible that is why I leave the following numbers.
00.22 = 00.14
00.30 = 00.22
00.39 = 00.29
00.53 = 00.40
00.59 = 00.49

00.23 = 00.20 at which time they stay outside giving the infected time to attack.
What can I say, I'm a human being, I tend to make mistakes like everyone ;v
and I don't think it's necessary to go into provocations, behave :V.

4.2. Завуалированное или Форума на орбления and и/или выяснение отношений в етках Форума запрещено.
1) Man, it was you who started the discussion of the c8m2subway map, not me. You may even notice that I started writing something about you only after your lies about me. Because I cant watch you blatantly lie about me, as well as about other players. Im telling you again, only YOU were in the saferoom from the entire team. Why do you call me farming idiot from the whole team and you wanna kick only me?

I have attached screenshots where you were planning to write complaint against me several times. Moreover, in one of your past messages you said without evidence that I was farming then (screenshot 1). NOW YOU SAY THAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DISCUSS THIS AND YOU WANT TO FORGET THIS MOMENT. Where did your ardor with which you wanted to write a complaint against me go, where did your accusation of my farming? I would like to pay your attention to the fact that you also did not write your full version of what was happening, as I asked you. It turns out you just lied me and you are gonna forget it? These make people think about your meanness and idle talk.

2) If you dont remember something exactly, why are you talking about it? You obviously know that your words can somehow set up, but nevertheless you allowed yourself to write something. I see players here who write only what they are sure of, except for you, ofc. This only confirms the fact that your words mean nothing and you are just ordinary idle talker. And this also does not relieve you of responsibility for your unsuccessful attempt at deception.

3) You wrote that as a person with a high rank on the server, you must control the players. Obviously, the most experienced member of the team should control the players. I concluded that you imagine yourself to be strongest player.
Now you write that you are far from the ideal of a strong player. So why do you allow yourself to calling players with, especially with trashtalk? Somehow, nothing logically fits here. It seems you want to go back on your words again.

4) Man, I rly dont care about your videos with tactics of your smoker playing or anyone, just like everyone else. I already told you that you are trolling the game in this way. Other players also told you that playing like you is prohibited by the rules. But you dont seem to care.

So, we have a person who can afford to write arguments that he is not even sure of. If anything, he will refer to his bad memory. Also, as we can see, this person retracted his words several times. I also showed several times where you are blatantly lying, confirming my words with evidence. Well, since you are so irresponsible, I think that your every message in this topic can be questioned. Maybe suddenly you had lapses in memory, or you even something dreamed to you? Who knows? You are also not gonna listen other players, gradually your nonsence. You tried several times to avoid the topic, or to cover yourself for the violations of other players. This shows your desire to evade from responsibility. We are talking about you at this moment, not about others.

This is also my last message. Idk how can talk with shifty person who can easily go back on his words. Over the past two days, you still have not described your chronology of events on the c8m2subway map (actually, because of which I started this discussion with you), you have not provided a single piece of evidence for your words. At the same time, you wrote a bunch of messages here. You just decided to avoid this topic
1. Not really. You were the one who wanted to join the party, I guess I made a mention/accusation of you but I really had no intention of arguing with you, at least not now :v.
You see it as a lie, but as far as I'm concerned, you stayed out to continue farming.

brother? Do you know how long ago that altercation with you occurred? Because I don't, and I already made it clear to you. I probably told you this at the time, "ENTER OR INFORM THE FARM" is a subtle way to prevent players from farming outside the shelter or something, but I really prefer to avoid the whole problem and let it go, so to speak. with you.
Was it 1 month ago? 2 months ago? I don't know bro, do you know how many games you play in 1 week?
How am I going to write a detailed version of a subway game that I only have vague memories of?

2. You are the one who started talking about that problem, me. AND SO I WILL CLARIFY IT TO YOU because I am not going to repeat it.
I made a mention/accusation about you.
You were the one who took it personally and started attacking me. And you clearly don't know what you're talking about, using vroxd97 as an example, he accused me of being his stalker, both his and Dfx's. and he's not sure what he's saying because in the first place why would you have a player who harasses you on zozo servers as a friend on the steam platform? Tell me, would you have added a player who harasses and annoys you? It is an incredible inconsistency in his accusation against me, something he's not sure about

3. What part of "as a player with the highest rank" and right to kick did you not understand? With that way of arguing, it seems incredible to me that you have come to that ridiculous conclusion that I consider myself the strongest player xd.
The term "trash" doesn't qualify as an insult, I used to use it as a different way to tell other players (as well as many others because I'm clearly not the only one) that they were bad at gaming. And if he allowed me it was because he wanted to and he could, just like the others, you don't have to consider yourself strong or a high rank to allow yourself to call other players "trash", which is practically the same as "newbies". ".

4.Yes, the same rules that do not apply to the players that I explained to you in the video, as well as many others who do it daily and you know it, but it seems that you omit that detail on purpose.
as well as the fact that it is also a strategy, both for farming and attacking. Even if you don't like it, it's like that.
What's next, complaining because the opposing team only uses boomers? Or why do the tanks stay up there throwing stones?

When did I blatantly lie?

I already clarified this last point before so I am not going to repeat it again.

Well, that being the case, let the administrators take the measures they deem necessary regarding this whole problem. And please, if you answer again, ask a question with a problem at the same time. Do you know how long should I write this answer? 40 minutes >;v
You make many accusations, you touch on many topics and I cannot respond to everything, that is why I ignore certain details so as not to lengthen the text from what it already is.
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lo siento vroxd97 pero Fadeaway ya te quito el lugar, espera a que termine de discutir con el y luego continuamos ;v
It's not necessary, the truth is I'm already bored of practicing right here. So let's get this over with.

You say this to avoid responding to accusations where you have no way of defending yourself and you are most likely going to respond with an excuse of "there are more players who do it" changing the subject instantly and putting another problem in the middle trying to see the Stupid face not only to me but to the administration that will be reviewing this report.

Let's see how many accusations you confirmed so far.

1.- farm
You are a disgusting farmer, the worst I have seen to date, taking one of the worst techniques I have seen to do this, with which you not only ruin the games but you ruin your team by retaining a crusial infected to prevent the advance of the survivors in closed spaces, but also giving godframes that are too long to the survivors, something which you seem not to realize or maybe it is because you are too stupid to understand this, very strange for someone who has 2k hours and who claims to "have to maintain order in a game", well then you are rubbish to have to guide your team since all you do is ensure that they lose. Therefore, it is a danger that someone who does not know how these aspects work has the kick.

You are on a PUBLIC server, you cannot intervene with the way your team plays. you are no one to decide that. If you have the kick, it is so you can take out those people who are ruining the game, something you do when you farm.

You confirmed that you farm
, and that you retain the spitter and smoker for this task, then you excuse yourself "it's to grab the tank and throw rocks" saying that it is a "STRATEGY" well look at your strategy completely breaks the rule N°5 OF Rules of conduct when playing on ZoZo BF-MT servers. So you broke this rule every time you played c1m4 atrium. Looking at your statistics...

c4m1 atrium.PNG

5. It is prohibited to disrupt and spoil the gameplay, namely: delaying the team, holding a character when playing as the Infected, delaying the start of an event (calling an elevator, boat, starting a generator, etc.), intentionally challenging the balance, intentionally draining the bot, thoughtless and unreasonable rush alone (in some cases, may be acceptable). For all of the above, you may be punished without warning. (It is highly advisable to give up to three warnings)

message for the administration

Since you haven't responded to this topic so far, then I have to leave it in the form of a message.

This player contacted me a long time ago when I didn't even know him and he had a very interesting request for me, in his own words it said the following.

"Vrox, I have a question for you. Do you want to make a group to join the games and let them hurt us? With this technique, if we are 20 players, we could earn from 3k-5k points per day, it is much more than what the current player earns. top 1, Dfx"

He claims to have asked the administration, so he was already warned that farming is in no way allowed.

The objective of this scum is to obtain as many points as possible and be among the highest ranks, and he is willing to do whatever it takes and eliminate anyone in order to achieve it.

2. Toxicity

As it seems, this man suffers from some type of disorder that makes him want to feel like he has power. (Perhaps it will be because in his house no one pays attention to him and he has to come to the servers to insult others to feel like "someone important."

Maybe this is also one of his reasons to increase points, to get the kick and feel above more players... he says, perhaps, IT IS ONE OF HIS REASONS TO INCREASE POINTS.

In his sent messages that can be reviewed by the administration we can see that he always looks above the other players, making threats such as "Keep doing that and I will kick you", "you are an idiot, you should uninstall the one-armed game", "You COME OUT OR I'LL KICK YOU" seeing himself as an important and authoritative figure.

In his messages sent in the form of a response he assures that "yes, he was wrong" but instead of comforting himself he simply assured that he was not the only one who did it, and proceeded to justify himself with this, with this we can assure that it will not be the last time that Do it.

te vas a te tengo que dar kick.PNGdas verguenza valencia.PNGpancho m,ongol.PNGdelete game ken.PNGquieres que te de kick.PNGquieres kick no gilipollas.jpg

Rules of conduct when playing on ZoZo BF-MT servers.

3. It is prohibited to insult players, as well as the use of nicknames that imply insult and do not carry any semantic meaning.


Now let's be empathetic and proceed to put ourselves in this person's shoes...

If what you want is to farm, it is not convenient for you to waste your time in the role of survivor, which is why in most of the games you play as a survivor you stand in a corner or afk room, without supporting your team by writing that Get into the shelter quickly.

For this reason, he will also take advantage of reporting players for "farming" since he is not able to do it in survivor mode, so he gets a 2 for 1. He removes a player in the middle who competes with his farming, and he eliminates some suspicion on the part of the administration that he also farms. Most likely because he already knew that at some point he would be reported for this.

With all this we have in front of us one of the worst "players" that we have seen on this server, meeting the requirements of being a farmer and a toxic person. Not only has he given me a hard time with his way of playing but also by throwing insults at me like "baby" or threats like "do you want to kick?", the list of players who have suffered this type of harassment from this player is long and it seems that He doesn't regret doing any of this, he just makes excuses.
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Es una estrategia de ataque y cultivo, ¿es tan complicado de entender?
Es increíble como se te olvida que tú también lo haces ;:V
Y no, no es hacer trampa, es como quejarse porque el tanque se queda ahí arriba tirando piedras. Lo llamas acampar pero es estrategia ;:v
¿Algo más que mencionar? Para hacer más palomitas viendo tu hipocresía


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I wanna publish evidence of the lies of ghost. I also wanna this message to be read by every reader, AT LEAST CONCLUSION. Initially, this guy accused me of farming and ruining the game for other players. I asked him to post demo or some evidence of exactly how I farmed and ruined the game for other players (Or at least his detailed verbal version of what happened, note that I asked him for this several times). To which this guy said that he didnt remember anything, he have not any evidence, but he was sure that I was 100% farmed. And he also added that he did not want to discuss this topic. It turns out that you allowed yourself to insult person idiot farmer? And now youre telling me to just forget it? Nah, I dont wanna forget it. I wanna you to answer for your words. In general, it seems to me that you allow yourself too much in the game and in this topic.

Well, there is only one way to ruin game for people by farming. Your entire team completely in saferoom, and you are the ONLY ONE standing outside and delaying the round. From which we conclude that this guy is saying the following - I was ONLY ONE from the entire team who stood outside saferoom and I SPECIFICALLY DELAYED THE ROUND.

I have the full video from this moment. I want to show readers, especially admins, screenshots that COMPLETELY REFUTE THE WORDS OF THI LIAR, and also once again show his inappropriate behavior on servers and trolling game. (If the administration needs it, I am ready to send full video of this moment).

Well, of course, lets start with the first screenshot. It clearly shows that the last 4 players (including me) are trying to cross the street and enter the building where the saferoom is located. The player with nickname SpaWn(Zoey) in general quite far away (he was carried away by charger). In total, at the end of the map there were 8 survivors (screenshot 4 proves it). We have HALF team in dangerous area where enemies can hold survivors for a long time.

The second screenshot shows that as soon as we repelled the attack, I entered the building and my guys were crawling behind me. I also pay attention that the farmer would not enter this building and would prefer to stay outside, cuz there is open space and it is easiest farming.

The 3rd screenshot shows what ghost is doing in that time. You are the ONLY ONE in the saferoom and from the whole team you asked ONLY ME to come inside OTHERWISE you will kick me. Do you have a personal grudge against me? Why do you allow yourself to insult me and carping me, huh? It seems that in this thread you said that you are a player with high rank on the server (we conclude that you are the strongest). Tell me, is standing afk in games and writing provocative messages in chat sign of strong player? It seems to me that strong player at least provided fire support for his mates, or AT LEAST CAME TO UP INCAPPED MATES (screenshot 2). This shows another time of your ruining games: Your videos, my screenshots, it is also clear from your hlx actions journal.

Let's look at screenshot 4. I have 50 frags, this guy has 16. Quite a significant gap, right? It seems to me that this is the reason why he carping me, as well as with the other strong players of server in this thread. This guy is just insulted that he is such poor in this game having 200k+ points and 2k hours (Man, you have 16 frags against paolo, hahaha. Your KPM in statistics is 0.49 xDDD). If players gamesense is much better than yours, thats doesnt mean hes a farmer. There are players on zozo who also constantly has much frags than me, cuz their playing experience is better than mine. But I dont call them IDIOTS FARMERS, I DONT TRY CARPING AND PROVOKE THEM LIKE YOU.

CONCLUSION: I clearly proved another lie of this player. Blatant lies on the part of this person, provocative attempts to carping players using insults is his CONSTANT behavior on forum and in game. Well, okay, he doesnt use insults on forum. Here he is blatantly lying using the words brother and etc. He also uses his stupid emoji ;v through every sentence, apparently to add innocence to his sentences, idk. This looks VERY disgusting, in game he never calls anyone brother - only farming idiot or worse. This shows second face of this player. As I said in previous posts, he behaves this way on forum because he wants to look innocent in the admins eyes, but his actions in the game give away his image as VICTIM. All this makes any reasonable person think about the value of his words in this topic. In addition, this player is clearly violating rule 3.2. I PAY ATTENTION TO FACT THAT THIS IS HIS CONSTANT BEHAVIOR AND NOT JUST ONE OR TWO CASES.

Запрещается завуалированное или явное провоцирование Игроков на оскорбления и / или выяснение отношений во время игрового процесса. Провокацией также могут считаться клевета, намеренная ложь и дезинформация, введение в заблуждение.

Dude, I think that I and others players showed enough - your words cannot be trusted.
I also mark that this person cannot earn points honestly like other players(due to he so poor in this game, feeling insulted that fact, he carping/stalkering players), so he earns dishonestly abusing smoker&spitter. However, I already wrote about this, seems not only I.

Okay, if I have already let myself to write one more message.

What about your new message about fadeaway&pochi.

I think you should close your mouth. Not only me have already warned you that more you talk, worse it is for you.

First, tell us how you could mix up ABSOLUTELY ALL 6 TIMECODES, xDDDD. This is clearly not human factor that YOU ARE TRYING TO COVER WITH. THIS IS YOUR ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO REFUSE YOUR WORDS referring to some kind of bullshit. THIS ONCE AGAIN EMPHASIZES YOUR SNEAKY SIDE. Btw, some of your timecodes, even changed, DO NOT AT ALL CORRESPOND to what is happening in YOUR VIDEO. I explained to you ABSOLUTELY EVERY ACTION in the video, but you continue to carping unreasonably. Anyway, tell me what kind of attempt this is to delay the team for the sake of farming for 30 seconds. Do you rly think we will have time to earn a lot of points during this time? ANOTHER proof of your inappropriate behavior and attempt of stalkering players.


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I wanna publish evidence of the lies of ghost. I also wanna this message to be read by every reader, AT LEAST CONCLUSION. Initially, this guy accused me of farming and ruining the game for other players. I asked him to post demo or some evidence of exactly how I farmed and ruined the game for other players (Or at least his detailed verbal version of what happened, note that I asked him for this several times). To which this guy said that he didnt remember anything, he have not any evidence, but he was sure that I was 100% farmed. And he also added that he did not want to discuss this topic. It turns out that you allowed yourself to insult person idiot farmer? And now youre telling me to just forget it? Nah, I dont wanna forget it. I wanna you to answer for your words. In general, it seems to me that you allow yourself too much in the game and in this topic.

Well, there is only one way to ruin game for people by farming. Your entire team completely in saferoom, and you are the ONLY ONE standing outside and delaying the round. From which we conclude that this guy is saying the following - I was ONLY ONE from the entire team who stood outside saferoom and I SPECIFICALLY DELAYED THE ROUND.

I have the full video from this moment. I want to show readers, especially admins, screenshots that COMPLETELY REFUTE THE WORDS OF THI LIAR, and also once again show his inappropriate behavior on servers and trolling game. (If the administration needs it, I am ready to send full video of this moment).

Well, of course, lets start with the first screenshot. It clearly shows that the last 4 players (including me) are trying to cross the street and enter the building where the saferoom is located. The player with nickname SpaWn(Zoey) in general quite far away (he was carried away by charger). In total, at the end of the map there were 8 survivors (screenshot 4 proves it). We have HALF team in dangerous area where enemies can hold survivors for a long time.

The second screenshot shows that as soon as we repelled the attack, I entered the building and my guys were crawling behind me. I also pay attention that the farmer would not enter this building and would prefer to stay outside, cuz there is open space and it is easiest farming.

The 3rd screenshot shows what ghost is doing in that time. You are the ONLY ONE in the saferoom and from the whole team you asked ONLY ME to come inside OTHERWISE you will kick me. Do you have a personal grudge against me? Why do you allow yourself to insult me and carping me, huh? It seems that in this thread you said that you are a player with high rank on the server (we conclude that you are the strongest). Tell me, is standing afk in games and writing provocative messages in chat sign of strong player? It seems to me that strong player at least provided fire support for his mates, or AT LEAST CAME TO UP INCAPPED MATES (screenshot 2). This shows another time of your ruining games: Your videos, my screenshots, it is also clear from your hlx actions journal.

Let's look at screenshot 4. I have 50 frags, this guy has 16. Quite a significant gap, right? It seems to me that this is the reason why he carping me, as well as with the other strong players of server in this thread. This guy is just insulted that he is such poor in this game having 200k+ points and 2k hours (Man, you have 16 frags against paolo, hahaha. Your KPM in statistics is 0.49 xDDD). If players gamesense is much better than yours, thats doesnt mean hes a farmer. There are players on zozo who also constantly has much frags than me, cuz their playing experience is better than mine. But I dont call them IDIOTS FARMERS, I DONT TRY CARPING AND PROVOKE THEM LIKE YOU.

CONCLUSION: I clearly proved another lie of this player. Blatant lies on the part of this person, provocative attempts to carping players using insults is his CONSTANT behavior on forum and in game. Well, okay, he doesnt use insults on forum. Here he is blatantly lying using the words brother and etc. He also uses his stupid emoji ;v through every sentence, apparently to add innocence to his sentences, idk. This looks VERY disgusting, in game he never calls anyone brother - only farming idiot or worse. This shows second face of this player. As I said in previous posts, he behaves this way on forum because he wants to look innocent in the admins eyes, but his actions in the game give away his image as VICTIM. All this makes any reasonable person think about the value of his words in this topic. In addition, this player is clearly violating rule 3.2. I PAY ATTENTION TO FACT THAT THIS IS HIS CONSTANT BEHAVIOR AND NOT JUST ONE OR TWO CASES.

Запрещается завуалированное или явное провоцирование Игроков на оскорбления и / или выяснение отношений во время игрового процесса. Провокацией также могут считаться клевета, намеренная ложь и дезинформация, введение в заблуждение.

Dude, I think that I and others players showed enough - your words cannot be trusted.
I also mark that this person cannot earn points honestly like other players(due to he so poor in this game, feeling insulted that fact, he carping/stalkering players), so he earns dishonestly abusing smoker&spitter. However, I already wrote about this, seems not only I.

Okay, if I have already let myself to write one more message.

What about your new message about fadeaway&pochi.

I think you should close your mouth. Not only me have already warned you that more you talk, worse it is for you.

First, tell us how you could mix up ABSOLUTELY ALL 6 TIMECODES, xDDDD. This is clearly not human factor that YOU ARE TRYING TO COVER WITH. THIS IS YOUR ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO REFUSE YOUR WORDS referring to some kind of bullshit. THIS ONCE AGAIN EMPHASIZES YOUR SNEAKY SIDE. Btw, some of your timecodes, even changed, DO NOT AT ALL CORRESPOND to what is happening in YOUR VIDEO. I explained to you ABSOLUTELY EVERY ACTION in the video, but you continue to carping unreasonably. Anyway, tell me what kind of attempt this is to delay the team for the sake of farming for 30 seconds. Do you rly think we will have time to earn a lot of points during this time? ANOTHER proof of your inappropriate behavior and attempt of stalkering players.
Ghost estas asi de perder tu rango

Ghost you are like this of losing your rank
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В связи с тем, что ситуация вызвала большой резонанс, обсуждение перенесено в отдельную тему. Хронологический порядок соблюдён.

В целом, крайне много пустой и бесполезной информации, за исключением определённых моментов, требующих особого внимания.
К сожалению, написано много, а показано мало. Далее, пойду по порядку.

Данные по логам действий игрока Ghost! действительно указывают на своеобразный способ фарма очков посредством Особых Заражённых.
Игра за Плевальщицу ограничивается только лишь удержанием персонажа и множественной её перезарядкой, однако, игра за Курильщика вызывает уже больше подозрений:
1. За 3 минуты игрового времени, действие [Захват Языком] выполняется более 20 раз с промежутком в 5-6 секунд между действиями.

2. Игрок находится в Топ-1 по действию [Захват Языком].
3. Особо высоким количеством заработанных очков выделяются сессии за 19.06, 17.06 и 16.06.
Лог действий за 19.06 уже показан выше.
Далее, при обращении к логам за две другие даты, а именно за: 17.06 и 16.06 соответственно, ясно видны те же самые действия:


Что касается игры за Плевальщицу, то, согласно пункту 5.6 Правил Поведения, удерживание какого-либо персонажа (его перезарядка) — запрещено. В случае, если игрок отказывается отдать какого-либо персонажа, допускается исключение игрока с сервера посредством кика, либо кратковременного бана, на усмотрение Администратора.

Исходя из видео ниже, игрок Ghost! [#] прекрасно знает, что право на кик имеется только у него, а значит и исключить его с сервера никто не сможет, после чего начинается активное заплёвывание Выживших на подходе к лифту / в лифте и удержание Плевальщицы:

Дополнительно, данные по логам текст-чата игрока Ghost! [#] действительно указывают на систематические угрозы в использовании права на кик, что может быть расценено, как его злоупотребление. Право на кик выдано игрокам не для того, чтобы запугивать им остальных, тем более в собственных, субъективных целях.

If the administration allows me, I would like to clarify point by point the insulting words of user VROXD97.
Никакое из объяснений не может служить обоснованием к Оскорблениям / Провокации в адрес других игроков.

It is an attack and cultivation strategy
Я ещё мог бы отнестись с пониманием к игрокам, которые делают похожие вещи неосознанно, однако Ghost сам не раз подтверждает, что всё, что он делает, относится к так называемой "Стратегии Фарма", о которой он не перестаёт упоминать на протяжении всех своих сообщений в данной теме, а значит делает это намеренно и осознанно.

Ghost! [#] — бан до 06.07.2024 | Нарушение пунктов 3, 3.2, 5, 8 Правил Поведения.
В качестве первичной меры пресечения, с игрока снимается 10.000 очков из статистики сервера BF. Право на кик отозвано на срок в 1 месяц.

В качестве последующей меры ограничения за повторное нарушение с набиванием статистики, согласно порядку, игрока ожидает 50%-ое срезание очков с полной деактивацией ранга, прав и привилегий.

Что касается остальных причастных к обсуждению, а именно: @VROXD97., @Peppa Pig, @Mandragora, @Danny, @pasrl, @Andh Jhoe, не стоит думать, что я не обратил внимание на вас, установленные правила и ограничения относятся в том числе и к вам. Наблюдение продолжится.


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that you are again trolling the game for your teammates
With your selfishness you are simply trolling games for the sake of your statistics
At the same time, you dont bring something usefull for your team, you are just afk player which only think about his own benefit
Забавно, что об этом говорит игрок, который сам занимался набиванием статы и без пяти минут останется за это без ранга.
Лицемерие действительно правит бал, как сказал однажды Хурри.

Не прошло и 3-х месяцев, как мне на глаза попадается очередное видео с, "внезапно", инвалидным застреванием аккурат перед дверью убежища.

Видео длится всего 63 секунды, на 22-ой из которых в убежище заходят абсолютно все Выжившие, за исключением именно fadeaway и pochi. Совпадение? Карма? Невезение? — Не думаю. Можно адекватно предположить, сколько дополнительных секунд потребуется двум нашим героям, чтобы наконец зайти в убежище и благополучно завершить раунд: 10? 20? 30? Всё неверно. Начиная ровно с 22-ой секунды и по 60-ую начинается "финальный добор фрагов" перед закрытием двери убежища, где fadeaway отличился особенно блестяще, произведя дополнительную остановку перед дверью на 56-ой секунде, чтобы перезарядить свой АК-47, развернуться и дострелять потенциальные фраги на двух последних шагах в убежище.

На данном этапе можно подумать, что меня беспокоит время, на которое был затянут раунд, однако это не так.
Более всего, меня беспокоит сам факт того, что раунд был затянут. Поскольку подобные действия со временем начинают носить систематический характер, то подсчёт конкретного времени не имеет смысла, будь это хоть 4 часа, хоть 4 секунды. И если начать подсчитывать общее количество времени, то, суммарно, оно будет обширным.

Прежде всего, игрокам подобным fadeaway, стоит знать, что для людей, которые понимают не только игровую механику, но ещё и серверную, все подобные действия игроков, а также их намерения, видны настолько очевидно и ясно, как когда вы, в буквальном смысле, находитесь на ладони и никакое из ваших абсурдных объяснений неспособно оправдать ваши действия. Отсмотрев данное короткое видео, меня абсолютно не волнует ни одно из ваших оправданий / объяснений, как, по какой причине, зачем и почему, вы не смогли единовременно зайти в убежище вместе с Командой.

fadeaway (fruktis) [#] и pochi [#] Последнее предупреждение по данному виду нарушения.
Любой последующий хронометраж, который попадётся мне на глаза и содержащий вас обоих или по отдельности, намеренно "набивающих" или "до-набивающих" фраги, незамедлительно приведёт к неприятным последствиям. Рекомендую больше не "застревать" и не "дезориентироваться" перед дверьми убежищ.
Rock [#] — бан до 12.07.2024 | Нарушение пункта 5.1 Правил Поведения | Уличён в открытом фарме (набивании) статы, посредством порчи игрового процесса.
_Rei_ [#] — бан до 30.06.2024 | Нарушение пункта 5.1 Правил Поведения | Уличён в открытом фарме (набивании) статы, посредством порчи игрового процесса.

В качестве первичной меры пресечения, с каждого из игроков снимается по 10.000 очков из статистики сервера BF.
На момент написания данного сообщения, игрок Rock занимает Ранг-39. Наказание ужесточено.

В качестве последующей меры ограничения за повторное нарушение с набиванием статистики, согласно порядку, игроков ожидает 50%-ое срезание очков с полной деактивацией ранга, прав и привилегий. Любые попытки обойти бан приведут к удвоению времени, а также к ресанкционированию бана на все имеющиеся альт-аккаунты.