За что меня забанили?

Ты тоже ф1 нажал если что,вот давай у тебя и спросим,почему так ?

я его не знаю, и он вроде грому держал вчера... если тебя или плов поставят на кик, в первом случае и возможно во втором, я уверенно нажму F2.

когда кто то тупит в тиме, рука тоже тянется к !vk, но тут мои полномочия всё -оно и к лучшему )
Я тоже ф1 нажал, не смотрел если честно кто кого кикает, я их вообще не знаю. Тем более в тот момент были в лифте, заблеваны, крик шум ажатаж вообщем!


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encerio as soon as I enter the server and you forbid me just when I have a VIP you do it for bothering me or what?

1 week and without reason?


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Hello! I also had been through the time when they (Peruvians) used to kick me without any reason.A time before they used to kick me without reason or maybe the only reason was that i am not a Peruvian.It was so hard for me to play that after joining the game i only could play for 5 minutes. So i decided to make a complaint to 22.I thought he will take an action against them.For the first kick i also understand that there could be a mistake or something else but after the 2nd and 3rd and 4th kick, i understood it is just the toxicity of them. Even tho i gave 22 some of the screenshots in which i was being kicked. (I know screenshots can not explain the situation well). Being unsatisfied, he asked me to record a demo of unreasonable kick. For purpose i even recorded a demo for him but he did not take any action and said "Stop spamming me"
I am putting the link of the demo if anyone has a doubt, AND specially for those who will come to defend themselves or their friends ...
I have no personal Issues with 22, but getting a reply like this "Stop spamming me" is really harsh. The demo only shows the toxicity of 1 player but our PHENOMENAL is also the same (even more than this) .AAANNNDD Yes! for those who will say "Then why did 7 people press F1". Let me make it clear, at THAT time almost 85% percent of the population was Latin.So it is not a big deal if everyone pressed F1 because they always help their country mates.Does not matter who is on the kick.
I don't care who will react in what way.But it is what it is.
Hello! I also had been through the time when they (Peruvians) used to kick me without any reason.A time before they used to kick me without reason or maybe the only reason was that i am not a Peruvian.It was so hard for me to play that after joining the game i only could play for 5 minutes. So i decided to make a complaint to 22.I thought he will take an action against them
Your complaint has been accepted and processed. I have recommended to you be patient, because before I will ban someone, I need to figure it out. Otherwise I could ban you all the time for various violations. You have one complaint for stats farming, one for provocations and one for often holding the charger.
As you can see I didn't ban you previously, because I was always trying to figure it out.

For the first kick i also understand that there could be a mistake or something else but after the 2nd and 3rd and 4th kick, i understood it is just the toxicity of them. Even tho i gave 22 some of the screenshots in which i was being kicked. (I know screenshots can not explain the situation well). Being unsatisfied, he asked me to record a demo of unreasonable kick. For purpose i even recorded a demo for him but he did not take any action and said "Stop spamming me"
You was pretty clear from the first message. Then I need to hold a little investigation to confirm your words. There is no reason to spam me in the private chat everyday in the morning and evening. You are not alone who has a complaint. Please be informed.
If you need an admin, who will ban someone right after 5 seconds straight after your "Undoubted" complaint...Then you're in the wrong place. Try to find such an admin and address to him.

I am putting the link of the demo if anyone has a doubt, AND specially for those who will come to defend themselves or their friends ...
I have no personal Issues with 22, but getting a reply like this "Stop spamming me" is really harsh. The demo only shows the toxicity of 1 player but our PHENOMENAL is also the same (even more than this) .AAANNNDD Yes! for those who will say "Then why did 7 people press F1". Let me make it clear, at THAT time almost 85% percent of the population was Latin.So it is not a big deal if everyone pressed F1 because they always help their country mates.Does not matter who is on the kick.
I didn't doubt in your complaint, and I made a warning to the player Phenomenal. He can prove it.
In my case, everything is as usual, 3 warnings and I start the execution. And I don't care who is it...one of the Top40, one of the stars on the ZoZo...or just a random player. It doesn't matter.

So what we have in summary...I didn't notice anything suspicious like permanent hate to you, real unreasonable kicks to you, biased attitude towards you and etc...
I have provided you the screenshots of kick-logs, with exact search by the name "Filthy"
Even against the background of justifying factors for Phenomenal, I warned him. And such a warning is not just a word or a sound...Believe me...

The purpose of this message is only to clarify your situation. At the moment probably you might be right and Phenomenal is abusing his kick rights. Who knows...Without doubt, it will be suppressed, but only after an investigation.
Feel free to contact with one of the admins now with updated proofs and information, but don't spam anyone. I will repeat - you are not alone.
Hope everything is clear for you.
Your complaint has been accepted and processed. I have recommended to you be patient, because before I will ban someone, I need to figure it out. Otherwise I could ban you all the time for various violations. You have one complaint for stats farming, one for provocations and one for often holding the charger.
As you can see I didn't ban you previously, because I was always trying to figure it out.
You definitely can ban me BUT with PROOF.You are talking about farming,has the reporter provided you the proof??? What provocations have i done??? For often holding charger??LOL.Just make 1 sincere player say this and i will admit it(the one who is not against anyone of us).You did not ban me BECAUSE you were not able to BECAUSE the reporter did not provide with proofs.It was just a fly-fire.
You was pretty clear from the first message. Then I need to hold a little investigation to confirm your words. There is no reason to spam me in the private chat everyday in the morning and evening. You are not alone who has a complaint. Please be informed.
If you need an admin, who will ban someone right after 5 seconds straight after your "Undoubted" complaint...Then you're in the wrong place. Try to find such an admin and address to him.
What do you mean by pretty clear? AND did u investigate it?? NOO YOU DID NOT ,because if u had done something like this then he would have been punished for his abuse.I did not spam you, just wanted to remind you of your responsibility.YA, i was at the wrong place :)..
I didn't doubt in your complaint, and I made a warning to the player Phenomenal. He can prove it.
In my case, everything is as usual, 3 warnings and I start the execution. And I don't care who is it...one of the Top40, one of the stars on the ZoZo...or just a random player. It doesn't matter.
Where are those warnings ???? If you had done something like this then he would have restrained himself from kicking me.
So what we have in summary...I didn't notice anything suspicious like permanent hate to you, real unreasonable kicks to you, biased attitude towards you and etc...
I have provided you the screenshots of kick-logs, with exact search by the name "Filthy"
Even against the background of justifying factors for Phenomenal, I warned him. And such a warning is not just a word or a sound...Believe me...
I do believe you.You did provide me the screenshots but what about MY screenshots that i provided you???? What about the DEMO??? You were not satisfied so you asked me to record the demo.I did that on purpose but what did YOU do.I bet you even have not downloaded it because you you were not serious at all.

The purpose of this message is only to clarify your situation. At the moment probably you might be right and Phenomenal is abusing his kick rights. Who knows...Without doubt, it will be suppressed, but only after an investigation.
Feel free to contact with one of the admins now with updated proofs and information, but don't spam anyone. I will repeat - you are not alone.
Hope everything is clear for you.
I am not only talking about phenomenal.What about the others?The one in that i recorded.Did not you see his toxic behaviour?If you had investigated it then it would have been something different.Ya please,stop repeating this word SPAM.It is your job to listen to us!It is not spamming :)
You definitely can ban me BUT with PROOF.You are talking about farming,has the reporter provided you the proof??? What provocations have i done??? For often holding charger??LOL.Just make 1 sincere player say this and i will admit it(the one who is not against anyone of us).You did not ban me BECAUSE you were not able to BECAUSE the reporter did not provide with proofs.It was just a fly-fire.

What do you mean by pretty clear? AND did u investigate it?? NOO YOU DID NOT ,because if u had done something like this then he would have been punished for his abuse.I did not spam you, just wanted to remind you of your responsibility.YA, i was at the wrong place :)..

Where are those warnings ???? If you had done something like this then he would have restrained himself from kicking me.

I do believe you.You did provide me the screenshots but what about MY screenshots that i provided you???? What about the DEMO??? You were not satisfied so you asked me to record the demo.I did that on purpose but what did YOU do.I bet you even have not downloaded it because you you were not serious at all.

I am not only talking about phenomenal.What about the others?The one in that i recorded.Did not you see his toxic behaviour?If you had investigated it then it would have been something different.Ya please,stop repeating this word SPAM.It is your job to listen to us!It is not spamming :)

the administrator adi warned me and I spoke with which were the reasons.
That's why I no longer do it, look through the kicklog history and explain it to the Peysick player.


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What great full?If i have done something wrong then you can punish me.BUT with strong proofs(as u said earlier).YA,whether he will be punished or not, it is definitely under your control BUT asking for proof and then providing the proof and still ignoring does not make sense at all.If you get a reply from someone then be sure that everyone is not ill-mannered.Reply means reply and YOU have to face it.I don't wanna argue more because it will be dragged too far away(as it usually does).THANKS.
Ты словно тот могучий дракон, который наводит страх и ужас на читеров(пропустит ход на недельку), азазаза
Ты как из преобразователя сбежал, уважаемый?
И вообще, не вижу ничего смешного...