Жалобы на игроков

И сам станет старшим. И возьмёт себе в ученики того, кто идёт следующим по рангу...
He's now caused the server to drop to 12 players, as everybody has gotten tired of the stupidity, and subsequently has also quit himself.
Dear, we will help you.
1 - leader selection system.
• This happens when there is no top 300 on the server.
• who played more has the right to kick the player. (LOGIC)
2 - to blame a player, it’s not enough just to “talk” about moral inferiority.
• Strong evidence required.
3 - This concerns the correctness of the complaint, not the complaint itself.
4 - You have filed a complaint against the player (Form):
1> Describe the case with the text. (There is)
2> data (HLX) of the guilty player. (There is)
3> server data and time, map. (No)
4> screenshot or "demo". (No)
5> your HLX. (No)

There is nothing "logical" in giving one single player control over an entire server and subsequently 19 other players experience. This is often abused, as evident by my experience in my complaint - something which no doubt other players of these servers have also experienced. The kick system here is absolutely abused and used incorrectly and everybody knows it.

I have evidence in the form of a demo, or somebody could just look at the players chat log as he hasn't played again since he trolled the server. It's not difficult. It's almost as though you guys intentionally make it difficult for people to complain about anything.

Server data and time, look at the logs...
Screenshot, look at the logs...
Why is my HLX relevant when I'm the one making the complaint?

All you had to do was click on his name...sigh.


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There is nothing "logical" in giving one single player control over an entire server and subsequently 19 other players experience. This is often abused, as evident by my experience in my complaint - something which no doubt other players of these servers have also experienced. The kick system here is absolutely abused and used incorrectly and everybody knows it.

One Single player is not given the entire control there is 1 in the infected and 1 in the survivor who can votekick a player(if he meets the requirement of vk) unless you are talking about admins.Usually it is not abused because most players use it to kick noobs like freetp and nosteam because they ruin all the game by holding chargers and stuff.
Фити, тебе и всей твоей кампании(люди сами поймут) я настоятельно рекомендую прекратить сыпать оскорблениями в адрес администрации и серверов здесь. Данный месседж являет собой прямое предупреждение, и на этот раз последнее.
Я серьезно. Далее будут только действия, без какой-либо нотификации. И чтобы у вас не возникало вопросов по какой-такой неизвестной причине вас банят, в причине будет указываться - "Open form of admin/server disrespect"
Если тебя и твоих друзей/знакомых что-то не устраивает, есть много замечательных проектов помимо нашего.
Ну а до тех пор, пока вы возвращаетесь на ЗоЗо, продолжая обливать нас грязью, вы будете следовать правилам. Выбора здесь у вас нет.

Теперь я внесу ясность, касательно xgod и ситуации с макросами.
Я просмотрел все демо, ознакомился с особенностями движка l4d и изучил всё, что только возможно по данному вопросу.
Допустим, что ты прав. И у Микки нет и не было никаких макросов на милишку, и что делалось это исключительно ловкостью рук.
Ситуации особо это не меняет, есть вещи, которые не предусмотрены не только игрой, но и администрацией проекта. Хочу чтоб ты понял.
Отсутствие кулдауна на удар милишкой является как раз-таки тем самым косяком/багом игры. Следовательно является и багоюзом.
На данный момент, как и говорил Спумер, установлен плагин, который препятствует этому. А скорость замаха уже не станет прежней.
Согласно правилам нашего проекта - багоюз является нарушением. Логично? Конечно!
Чтобы ты лучше понимал, я приведу тебе примеры и проведу аналогии. Погнали.
Чем отличается твоя подруга от tr'a?
У которого вырезали ранг и исключили из статы за багоюз с восстановлением здоровья(HP const+HP temp).
Чем отличается твоя подруга от Пирса?
Которого забанили на месяц за то, что использовал точку телепорта для минуса хантом на тех картах, где это не предусмотрено. Это багоюз, туда же в копилку. Причем срок бана составил месяц, Карл, а не неделя.
Дальше. Чем отличается твоя подруга от сотни людей?
Которых я лично банил за то, что вгоняют ласт канистру в текстуры так, что достать её оттуда становится невозможным.
Всё это - багоюз. Он здесь запрещён.
Мне не надо скачивать читы, чтобы нарушать правила сервера. Я могу это делать с абсолютно чистым от аддонов и софта профилем, вооружившись лишь знаниями о косяках/багах игры, которой к слову уже десять лет.
Кароче ты меня понял.
Интересно кто поднял вообще эту тему, мы бы сами разобрались между феншоком
Любая движуха на серверах в виде срача в голосовом или на форуме продлевает жизнь самого сервера, игрокам интересно наблюдать битвы "бухих титанов" поэтому кого-то банить или мутить за срачи это преступление против популярности сервера.
Людям треба хлеба и зрелищ. Кому станет лучше если игроки перестанут заходить на сервера, либо будут тупо молча играть? Сколько уже интересных и независимых игроков покинуло сервер только из-за разногласий с приближенными к администрации. А кому интересно играть в тишине, придумали же умные люди !SM и играй себе в тишине, онанируй сам с собой.
Few days ago I Doubted esthetic he killed a smoker with scout rifle while he was biled by boomer so i asked him to take screenshot several times but he ignored and left the server in the end. its not first time whenever he sees me in server he lefts the server or reconnect, In 2018 i asked him to take screenshot but admins were inactive and everyone ignored him, you can see his stats he plays only on addon enabled servers BF2,BF4,BF6, In 2018 When me and my friends asked him screenshot he kicked them and ignored them i have old demos and new , if he is clean then why he is not showing his Screenshot? Rules Says
Screenshot (8)_LI.jpg

Addon Enabled Servers​
Screenshot (10).png

And This Is The 2018 Demo Links When He Ignored And Kicked My Friends

1} 2} http://www.mediafire.com/file/yqjg93k03jd8a5c/esthetic_2.dem/file
The New Demo When He Ignored Me And Left The Server.
Q: When Someone Asked You For Screenshot, Refusing And Ignoring Is Not Against Rules ?

If Not Then Topic Is Closed And Ignore This Post.​
The same happens with me also . Whenever I ask naruto or esthetic to take a screenshot they just do not give me reply,It is the simplest way to ignore this.
The same happens with me also . Whenever I ask naruto or esthetic to take a screenshot they just do not give me reply,It is the simplest way to ignore this.
И я тебя игнорю, так йа тоже читор? Зато когда ты играешь с аддоном без кустов то все гуд?)
Few days ago I Doubted esthetic he killed a smoker with scout rifle while he was biled by boomer so i asked him to take screenshot several times but he ignored and left the server in the end. its not first time whenever he sees me in server he lefts the server or reconnect, In 2018 i asked him to take screenshot but admins were inactive and everyone ignored him, you can see his stats he plays only on addon enabled servers BF2,BF4,BF6, In 2018 When me and my friends asked him screenshot he kicked them and ignored them i have old demos and new , if he is clean then why he is not showing his Screenshot? Rules Says
Посмотреть вложение 7054

Addon Enabled Servers​
Посмотреть вложение 7056

And This Is The 2018 Demo Links When He Ignored And Kicked My Friends

1} 2} http://www.mediafire.com/file/yqjg93k03jd8a5c/esthetic_2.dem/file
The New Demo When He Ignored Me And Left The Server.
Q: When Someone Asked You For Screenshot, Refusing And Ignoring Is Not Against Rules ?

If Not Then Topic Is Closed And Ignore This Post.​
Ты скинул демки где я тебя игнорю, а еще ты скинул демку 3 летней давности, но ты не скинул демку с моими якобы читами, найс ты чел. Я еще буду отвечать чуваку, который меня 2 года назад забанить хотел без пруфов, а в итоге самого забанили, на 2 аккаунтах причем, ты просто такой писта****, не переживай, я и так играл этот месяц ради турнира, скоро ты меня тут не увидишь
Few days ago I Doubted esthetic he killed a smoker with scout rifle while he was biled by boomer so i asked him to take screenshot several times but he ignored and left the server in the end. its not first time whenever he sees me in server he lefts the server or reconnect, In 2018 i asked him to take screenshot but admins were inactive and everyone ignored him, you can see his stats he plays only on addon enabled servers BF2,BF4,BF6, In 2018 When me and my friends asked him screenshot he kicked them and ignored them i have old demos and new , if he is clean then why he is not showing his Screenshot? Rules Says
Посмотреть вложение 7054

Addon Enabled Servers​
Посмотреть вложение 7056

And This Is The 2018 Demo Links When He Ignored And Kicked My Friends

1} 2} http://www.mediafire.com/file/yqjg93k03jd8a5c/esthetic_2.dem/file
The New Demo When He Ignored Me And Left The Server.
Q: When Someone Asked You For Screenshot, Refusing And Ignoring Is Not Against Rules ?

If Not Then Topic Is Closed And Ignore This Post.​
Я никуда не ливал, я просто замутил тебе войс чат и играл дальше спокойно, а потом вышел когда доиграл карту, да и чего я буду оправдываться перед чуваком которого забанили, а потом он создал альт и его снова забанили.
Few days ago I Doubted esthetic he killed a smoker with scout rifle while he was biled by boomer so i asked him to take screenshot several times but he ignored and left the server in the end. its not first time whenever he sees me in server he lefts the server or reconnect, In 2018 i asked him to take screenshot but admins were inactive and everyone ignored him, you can see his stats he plays only on addon enabled servers BF2,BF4,BF6, In 2018 When me and my friends asked him screenshot he kicked them and ignored them i have old demos and new , if he is clean then why he is not showing his Screenshot? Rules Says
Посмотреть вложение 7054

Addon Enabled Servers​
Посмотреть вложение 7056

And This Is The 2018 Demo Links When He Ignored And Kicked My Friends

1} 2} http://www.mediafire.com/file/yqjg93k03jd8a5c/esthetic_2.dem/file
The New Demo When He Ignored Me And Left The Server.
Q: When Someone Asked You For Screenshot, Refusing And Ignoring Is Not Against Rules ?

If Not Then Topic Is Closed And Ignore This Post.​
На четных серверах я играю обычно намного чаще чем на нечетных, и да из за адонов, потому что тут есть разные прицелы из мастерской которые я юзаю, я буду ждать твоих демок с моим вх и антизаблевом, а пока что я приготовлю попкорн и колу


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На четных серверах я играю обычно намного чаще чем на нечетных, и да из за адонов, потому что тут есть разные прицелы из мастерской которые я юзаю, я буду ждать твоих демок с моим вх и антизаблевом, а пока что я приготовлю попкорн и колу
Егор ушел в запой
[QUOTE = "EgorKa, post: 42086, member: 2347"]
You threw off the demos where I ignore you, and you also threw off a demo 3 years ago, but you didn’t throw off the demo with my supposedly cheats, you’re nice people. I’ll still answer the dude who wanted to ban me 2 years ago without proofs, but in the end he was banned, on 2 accounts, and you’re just such a **** ****, don’t worry, I already played this month for the tournament, soon you you will not see me here

who cares about my ban? , nobody, even i dont care, i already told many times i was new to the server, And There Are many Players who don't know to check their stats, if i knew about the rules then i would post the screenshot on public? , to show admin and all players? But you know the rules but you still using addons, if not then what is the problem why you are not showing the screenshot? and whoever asks you suspect must give him screenshot. this is the Rules you are ignoring because you are afraid of ban.
A. And Don't Lie I Didn't Use Voice Chat You Can See In Demo I Used Only Chat
[QUOTE = "EgorKa, post: 42092, member: 2347"]
I usually play on even-numbered servers much more often than on odd ones, and yes because of the adons, because there are different sights from the workshop that I use, I will wait for your demos with my input and anti-forget, and for now I will make popcorn and cola
This Is Random Screenshot I was not in the server, When I was in the server and asked you for screenshot you ignored and left the server, i want that screenshot when i asked you to click.
[QUOTE = "EgorKa, post: 42092, member: 2347"]
I usually play on even-numbered servers much more often than on odd ones, and yes because of the adons, because there are different sights from the workshop that I use, I will wait for your demos with my input and anti-forget, and for now I will make popcorn and cola
This Is Random Screenshot I was not in the server, When I was in the server and asked you for screenshot you ignored and left the server, i want that screenshot when i asked you to click.
Я и дальше бы игнорил тебя, и таких людей как ты, которые обвиняют в чем то других, а сами юзают всякую дичь и в итоге улетают бан, а ты даже 2 раза умудрился.
[QUOTE = "EgorKa, post: 42101, member: 2347"]
I would continue to ignore you, and people like you who blame others for something and use all kinds of game themselves and, as a result, fly off the ban, and you even managed 2 times.

i don't have any personal issues with you, the way you are talking to me it seems like you hate me, just because i posted complaint on you, if you really wanna ignore me then don't to reply on this post just ignore .If you still want to reply on this then come with that screenshot when i was asked you to click.:)
Good afternoon!

Usually I don't do this, but it's enough!!!
Player *** SFK ***+ (Peruvian) uses words like "TRASH", "IDIOT", "SCOURGE", "BITCH", "PIECE OF SHIT" among other vulgar words that I don't want mention, ALL THE TIME AND WITHOUT ANY REASON, provokes and offends everyone on the server not to mention that if u dont kick the player he says, he insults u ... on the other hand he kicks unjustified..
Players as toxic as he should receive VERY STRONG punishment because he respects no one and, days ago, I understand that he insulted light, maaster, piers, hitman, filthy, me(all time) etc.
Please I request the administrator to take action on the matter as soon as possible.. is it’s rude and misuses VK with a range of 224k, I don’t want to imagine what it will do when it has a higher range..

I enclose the evidence


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