Taking the previous comment as a reference I want to emphasize that the NX clan is exclusively for Latinos so we do not take responsibility for players like THUNDER or others who use our extension (as there are pitiful cases that we can not control), letting us know that we disassociate ourselves from all kinds of cheating or other issues that you want to accuse.
Mentioning that none of our players makes use of traps to take advantage of the game and making it known that if any of them does, I WOULD SAY ME TO DENOUNCE THEM because it is not allowed and not only by the rules of ZOZO but by those of clan.
On the other hand it would be that our player Rivera is about to complete the ban that was imposed months ago, I would like to know with what evidence he is accused of being one of the Dutch fake players?
Personally...it doesnt make sense to risk so much for a few days ..